Business & ManagementIB

Types of appraisal

Types of appraisal....Staff appraisal is the processes of reviewing the performance of employees....
Types of appraisal


  • Define staff appraisal and its importance in Human Resource Management (HRM).
  • Briefly introduce the four types of appraisal strategies: Formative, Summative, 360 Degree, and Self-appraisal.

The Purpose of Staff Appraisal

  • Discuss the objectives of staff appraisals, including performance improvement, career development, and organizational efficiency.

Types of Appraisal Strategies

Formative Appraisal

  • Definition: Describe formative appraisal as a developmental process focused on ongoing feedback and improvement.
  • Advantages: Highlight the benefits, such as real-time feedback, enhanced learning opportunities, and fostering a culture of continuous improvement.
  • Disadvantages: Consider the challenges, including the potential for inconsistency in feedback and the time commitment required from managers.
  • Industry Example: Examine a tech start-up that implements formative appraisals through regular one-on-one meetings between employees and managers, focusing on rapid skill development in a fast-paced environment.

Summative Appraisal

  • Definition: Explain summative appraisal as a evaluative process typically conducted at the end of a project or performance period.
  • Advantages: Discuss the clarity it provides in assessing employee performance against predefined objectives and standards.
  • Disadvantages: Note the limitations, such as the potential for bias and the pressure it may place on employees.
  • Industry Example: Detail how a marketing agency conducts summative appraisals at the end of client campaigns, evaluating team members’ contributions to the project’s success and areas for improvement.

360 Degree Appraisal

  • Definition: Clarify how 360 degree appraisal involves collecting feedback from a wide range of sources, including peers, subordinates, and clients.
  • Advantages: Emphasize the comprehensive view of performance and the promotion of a transparent feedback culture.
  • Disadvantages: Point out the logistical complexity and the potential for feedback overload or conflicting opinions.
  • Industry Example: Describe the implementation of 360 degree appraisals in a multinational corporation, where diverse feedback sources provide well-rounded performance insights, aiding in leadership development programs.


  • Definition: Discuss self-appraisal as a reflective process where employees assess their own performance.
  • Advantages: Outline the empowerment and self-awareness benefits, encouraging employees to take ownership of their development.
  • Disadvantages: Acknowledge the risks of self-bias, either too critical or too lenient, and the challenge of aligning self-assessment with organizational objectives.
  • Industry Example: Explore how a non-profit organization utilizes self-appraisals as part of their annual review process, encouraging staff to reflect on their achievements and set personal goals aligned with the organization’s mission.

Integrating Appraisal Strategies

  • Discuss how organizations can effectively integrate different appraisal strategies to create a comprehensive performance management system.
  • Emphasize the importance of aligning appraisal methods with organizational culture, goals, and the nature of work.


  • Summarize the critical role of staff appraisals in managing and enhancing employee performance.
  • Reflect on the need for organizations to carefully choose and implement appraisal strategies that best fit their objectives and workforce dynamics.
  • Consider the future of staff appraisals in light of emerging HR technologies and changing work environments.

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