Business & ManagementIB

Dismissal, termination and redundancy

Dismissal, termination and redundancy....Business can deal with voluntary or involuntary leave of employees in several....
Dismissal, termination and redundancy
Business can deal with voluntary or involuntary leave of employees in several ways:


  • Define the concepts of dismissal, termination, and redundancy, highlighting their importance in human resource management (HRM).
  • Discuss the legal and ethical considerations surrounding the end of employment relationships.

Legal Framework and HRM Implications

  • Overview of the legal frameworks governing dismissal, termination, and redundancy, including key legislation and rights.
  • Ethical considerations in ensuring fair treatment of employees during the end of employment.


Definition and Grounds

  • Detailed exploration of dismissal, including misconduct, poor performance, and breach of contract.
  • Discuss the procedural fairness in the dismissal process, including the right to a hearing and the opportunity to improve.

Management Practices

  • Best practices for managing dismissal, including clear communication, documentation, and adherence to legal requirements.

Industry Example: Financial Sector

  • Examine a case study of a bank dismissing an employee for breach of confidentiality.
  • Analyze the bank’s dismissal process, from investigation to communication, emphasizing the role of HR in ensuring procedural fairness.


Definition and Reasons

  • Discuss termination as a mutual or employee-initiated end of employment, covering retirement, career change, and contract completion.
  • Importance of exit interviews and the role of HR in facilitating smooth transitions.

Best Practices

  • Recommendations for managing termination, including providing support for professional development and career transition services.

Industry Example: Technology Sector

  • Explore a technology company where an employee terminates their contract to pursue further education.
  • Highlight the company’s supportive approach, including offering references and alumni networks.


Definition and Causes

  • Detailed exploration of redundancy, including economic downturns, organizational restructuring, and technological changes.
  • Legal requirements for redundancy processes, including consultation, selection criteria, and severance packages.

Managing Redundancy Fairly

  • Best practices for managing redundancy, emphasizing transparent communication, fairness in selection, and support for affected employees.

Industry Example: Manufacturing Sector

  • Case study of a manufacturing company undergoing automation, leading to workforce reduction.
  • Analyze the redundancy process, from announcement to retraining and outplacement services, highlighting the HR department’s role in minimizing negative impacts.

Ethical and Strategic Implications

  • Reflect on the ethical considerations in managing the end of employment relationships, including dignity, respect, and support.
  • Discuss the strategic importance of handling dismissal, termination, and redundancy well, considering employer branding and employee morale.


  • Summarize the key aspects of dismissal, termination, and redundancy, underlining the critical role of HR in managing these processes ethically and legally.
  • Offer insights into future trends in employment practices, considering technological advancements and changing workforce dynamics.

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