Business & ManagementIB

Problems that a new business might face

Problems that a new business might face....Lack of finance....Cash flow problems.....
Problems that a new business might face
  • Lack of finance.
  • Cash flow problems.
  • Marketing problems.
  • Poor location.
  • External influences: competition in the area, economic recession.
  • Unestablished customer base.
  • People management problems: poor choice of employees or leadership.
  • Legalities.
  • Production problems.
  • High production costs.

Starting a new business is an endeavor filled with excitement and potential but also significant challenges and obstacles. These hurdles can range from financial issues and marketing mishaps to operational and strategic missteps. For IB Business & Management students, understanding these potential problems is crucial, as it equips future entrepreneurs and managers with the foresight and knowledge to navigate these issues successfully. This comprehensive analysis explores common problems faced by new businesses, providing real-world industry examples to illustrate these challenges and their potential solutions.

Lack of Finance

Challenge: Securing adequate funding is a primary concern for new businesses. Initial capital is essential for covering startup costs, yet many entrepreneurs struggle to obtain sufficient funds.

Example: Many startups turn to crowdfunding platforms, such as Kickstarter, to overcome this hurdle. Pebble Technology raised over $10 million through Kickstarter for its e-paper watch, showcasing an innovative approach to overcoming initial financial constraints.

Cash Flow Problems

Challenge: Managing cash flow effectively can be daunting. Expenses often precede revenue, leading to cash shortages that can cripple operations.

Example: Tesla, Inc., faced significant cash flow issues in its early years as it ramped up production of its electric vehicles. Strategic investments and capital raises were crucial in navigating these challenges.

Marketing Problems

Challenge: Developing a strong marketing strategy that effectively reaches and resonates with the target audience can be difficult, especially with limited resources.

Example: Dropbox faced the challenge of differentiating itself in the crowded cloud storage market. Its referral program, which rewarded users with additional storage for referring friends, was a low-cost, highly effective marketing solution.

Poor Location

Challenge: The location of a business can significantly impact its success. A poor choice can lead to low customer foot traffic and sales.

Example: Blockbuster struggled as digital streaming services like Netflix emerged, partly because its physical rental stores became less convenient than online alternatives.

External Influences

Challenge: New businesses are particularly vulnerable to external factors, such as competition and economic downturns, which can adversely affect demand and profitability.

Example: The 2008 financial crisis impacted small businesses severely, with many unable to withstand the economic downturn, unlike larger, more financially stable companies.

Unestablished Customer Base

Challenge: Building a loyal customer base takes time and effort. New businesses often struggle to attract and retain customers in the early stages.

Example: Warby Parker overcame this challenge by offering a unique home try-on program, allowing customers to select multiple frames to try at home for free, thereby building trust and loyalty.

People Management Problems

Challenge: Hiring the right people and establishing effective leadership can be challenging. Poor choices in this area can lead to operational inefficiencies and a toxic work culture.

Example: Google has invested heavily in its HR practices, including rigorous hiring processes and leadership development programs, to ensure a highly skilled and motivated workforce.


Challenge: Navigating the legal landscape, including compliance with regulations, obtaining necessary licenses, and protecting intellectual property, can be complex and time-consuming.

Example: Uber has faced numerous legal challenges in various markets as it disrupts traditional taxi services, underscoring the importance of understanding and adhering to local laws and regulations.

Production Problems

Challenge: Ensuring efficient and quality production processes can be difficult, particularly when scaling operations.

Example: Boeing’s production of the 787 Dreamliner faced delays and quality issues due to the complexity of its global supply chain, highlighting the challenges of managing production processes.

High Production Costs

Challenge: New businesses often face higher unit production costs due to lower economies of scale, impacting pricing and margins.

Example: Beyond Meat initially faced high production costs for its plant-based meat products. Over time, as production scaled and processes improved, costs have decreased, allowing for more competitive pricing.


New businesses encounter a multitude of challenges that can hinder growth and sustainability. From financial constraints and marketing missteps to legal and operational hurdles, these issues require strategic thinking, flexibility, and resilience to overcome. The examples of Pebble Technology, Tesla, Dropbox, Warby Parker, Google, Uber, Boeing, and Beyond Meat illustrate how businesses across various industries have navigated these challenges, emphasizing the importance of proactive management and innovative problem-solving. For IB Business & Management students, these insights offer valuable lessons in entrepreneurship, strategic planning, and business management.


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