Business & ManagementIB

Factors to consider when starting up a business

Factors to consider when starting up a business....Business idea....Sources of finance....
Factors to consider when starting up a business
  • Business idea.
  • Sources of finance.
  • Human resources: who will you hire, will they need training, etc.
  • Enterprise: who will lead, organise and manage the business.
  • Fixed assets: land and machinery needed.
  • Suppliers.
  • Customers.
  • Marketing.
  • Legal issues: do you have all of the patents, legislations, and documentation needed.

Starting a business is a multifaceted endeavor that requires careful consideration of various factors that can significantly influence its success or failure. From the initial business idea to the complexities of legal compliance, each element plays a critical role in shaping the business’s future. For IB Business & Management students, understanding these factors is essential, offering insights into the practical challenges of entrepreneurship and strategic business planning. This comprehensive exploration delves into the key factors to consider when starting a business, highlighted with industry examples to illustrate their application and importance.

Business Idea

Definition: The business idea is the foundation of any startup, encapsulating what the business will offer, its unique value proposition, and how it addresses a gap in the market.

Example: Uber’s business idea was to revolutionize the taxi industry by offering a ride-sharing service through a user-friendly app, addressing the need for convenient, reliable, and affordable transportation.

Sources of Finance

Definition: Financing is crucial for covering startup costs, operations, and growth. Entrepreneurs must explore various sources of finance, including personal savings, loans, venture capital, and crowdfunding.

Example: Kickstarter has been instrumental for many startups, such as Pebble Technology, which raised funds for its e-paper watch through crowdfunding, demonstrating the power of community support in financing innovative products.

Human Resources

Definition: The success of a business heavily depends on its team. Decisions about who to hire, their roles, and the necessary training are pivotal for effective operation.

Example: Google attributes much of its success to its employees and invests heavily in hiring, training, and retaining top talent, emphasizing a culture of innovation and performance.


Definition: Leadership is vital for setting the direction, culture, and goals of the business. The enterprise aspect involves who will lead, organize, and manage the business effectively.

Example: Apple, under the leadership of Steve Jobs, exemplified visionary enterprise, with Jobs’ leadership style being integral to Apple’s innovative products and market success.

Fixed Assets

Definition: Fixed assets such as land, buildings, and machinery are essential for many businesses to operate. Identifying and acquiring the necessary fixed assets is a crucial early step.

Example: Tesla’s investment in its Gigafactories for battery and vehicle production highlights the significance of fixed assets in scaling manufacturing capabilities.


Definition: Establishing reliable supplier relationships is crucial for securing the raw materials or products necessary for operation. Supplier selection can impact cost, quality, and delivery times.

Example: Zara, known for its fast fashion model, relies on a network of suppliers that can quickly turn designs into finished products, underscoring the importance of strategic supplier relationships.


Definition: Understanding the target market and customer needs is crucial for tailoring products or services. Identifying and engaging with the initial customer base can guide marketing and product development.

Example: Slack initially focused on tech companies as its primary customers, tailoring its communication platform to meet their specific needs before expanding to a broader market.


Definition: Marketing strategies are essential for building brand awareness, attracting customers, and establishing a market presence. This includes online presence, advertising, PR, and sales strategies.

Example: Dropbox’s referral program, offering extra storage for referring friends, was a highly effective marketing strategy that significantly increased its user base.

Legal Issues

Definition: Compliance with legal requirements, including registrations, licenses, patents, and adherence to labor laws, is fundamental to avoid penalties and ensure smooth operation.

Example: Facebook faced various legal challenges related to patents and privacy regulations, highlighting the importance of legal compliance in technology and online businesses.


Starting a business requires a holistic approach, considering factors from the foundational business idea to operational elements like human resources and fixed assets, as well as strategic aspects like marketing and legal compliance. The examples provided, from Uber to Facebook, illustrate the diverse considerations and strategic decisions that underpin the launch and growth of successful businesses. For IB Business & Management students, understanding these factors offers valuable insights into the practicalities of entrepreneurship and the complexities of managing a business in today’s competitive landscape.


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