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How to target and segment markets

How to target and segment markets....Demographics....Geographic factors.....
How to target and segment markets

Market segmentation and targeting are crucial steps in developing effective marketing strategies. They involve dividing a broad consumer or business market, normally consisting of existing and potential customers, into sub-groups of consumers (known as segments) based on some type of shared characteristics. The goal is to identify and target segments that a business can serve better than its competitors. Let’s delve into the details of market segmentation and how segments should meet the DAMAS criteria.


Definition: Demographic segmentation divides the market based on variables such as age, gender, income, education level, occupation, marital status, family size, religion, nationality, and more.

Detail: This is one of the simplest and most widely used forms of segmentation due to the direct correlation between demographic factors and consumer needs, preferences, and usage rates. For example, a cosmetics company may target products specifically at women aged 20-35 with a middle or high income, offering premium skincare solutions.

Geographic Factors

Definition: Geographic segmentation involves dividing the market based on location, such as countries, states, regions, cities, or neighborhoods.

Detail: Consumer needs and preferences often vary by geography due to factors like climate, culture, and population density. A clothing retailer, for instance, may segment its market into tropical and temperate zones, offering different product lines tailored to the climate conditions of each segment.

Psychological Factors

Definition: Psychological (or psychographic) segmentation divides consumers based on lifestyle, personality traits, values, attitudes, interests, and opinions.

Detail: This type of segmentation helps companies understand the intrinsic motivations behind consumer purchases, enabling more personalized marketing efforts. A travel agency might use psychographic segmentation to target adventure seekers with offers for extreme sports vacations and cultural enthusiasts with heritage tours.

Market Segments Must be DAMAS

Differential: Segments should be clearly distinguishable from one another, with each segment having unique needs or preferences that can be distinctly addressed by specific marketing propositions.

Actionable: The segmentation must lead to actionable insights, allowing marketers to develop effective strategies for targeting selected segments. The characteristics defining the segments should be relevant to the decisions marketers need to make.

Measurable: The size, purchasing power, and characteristics of the segments must be measurable. This ensures that marketers can quantify the segments in terms of potential sales, revenues, and profits, enabling effective allocation of marketing resources.

Accessible: Segments should be accessible through marketing channels. Marketers need to be able to reach and serve the segment effectively, whether through advertising, distribution channels, or communication methods.

Substantial: Each segment should be large and profitable enough to serve. A segment that is too small or whose needs cannot be met profitably is not viable for targeted marketing efforts.


Effective market segmentation and targeting allow businesses to focus their marketing efforts on specific groups of consumers who are most likely to respond positively to their products or services. By understanding and applying the principles of demographic, geographic, and psychological factors, and ensuring that segments meet the DAMAS criteria, companies can develop tailored marketing strategies that effectively address the unique needs and preferences of their target market segments. This tailored approach not only enhances customer satisfaction and loyalty but also improves overall marketing efficiency and profitability.


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