CalculatorMath Calculator

Fractions Calculator

Fraction Calculator
Fractions Calculator
Fraction Simplifier
Fraction Converter

Fractions Calculation



Calculation History

Usage Instructions:

  1. Navigating Tabs:

    • Click on the Fractions Calculator, Fraction Simplifier, or Fraction Converter tabs to switch between different functionalities.
  2. Fractions Calculator:

    • Input Fractions:
      • Enter whole numbers (optional), numerators, and denominators for both fractions.
      • Select the desired operation (Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division).
    • Calculate:
      • Click the Calculate button to perform the operation.
      • The step-by-step solution and final result will be displayed below.
    • Reset:
      • Click the Reset button to clear all input fields and results.
  3. Fraction Simplifier:

    • Input Fraction:
      • Enter a whole number (optional), numerator, and denominator.
    • Simplify:
      • Click the Simplify button to reduce the fraction to its simplest form.
      • The simplification steps and final result will be displayed below.
    • Reset:
      • Click the Reset button to clear all input fields and results.
  4. Fraction Converter:

    • Input Fraction:
      • Enter a whole number (optional), numerator, and denominator.
    • Select Conversion Type:
      • Choose between Decimal, Percentage, or Mixed Number conversion.
    • Convert:
      • Click the Convert button to perform the conversion.
      • The conversion steps and final result will be displayed below.
    • Reset:
      • Click the Reset button to clear all input fields and results.
  5. History:

    • Toggle History:
      • Click the Toggle History button to show or hide the history of the last 10 calculations.
    • Review History:
      • View previous calculations and their results within the history section.
  6. Fullscreen Mode:

    • Toggle Fullscreen:
      • Click the Toggle Fullscreen button to enter or exit fullscreen mode for an enhanced viewing experience.
  7. Dark Mode:

    • Toggle Dark Mode:
      • Click the dark mode toggle switch at the top-right corner to switch between light and dark themes.

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