
Scientific Calculator

Advanced Scientific Calculator

Usage Instructions and Additional Notes

  1. Input:

    • Buttons: Click on the on-screen buttons to enter numbers and operations.
    • Keyboard: Use your keyboard to type numbers and operators directly.
  2. Calculations:

    • Compute Result: Click the = button or press Enter on your keyboard.
    • Clear Display: Click the AC button or press Escape on your keyboard.
    • Delete Last Character: Click the button or press Backspace on your keyboard.
    • Recall Last Answer: Click the Ans button to use the previous result in a new calculation.
  3. Advanced Functions:

    • Toggle Angle Mode: Click the Deg/Rad button to switch between degrees and radians for trigonometric calculations.
    • Use Constants: Click on π or e to insert these constants into your calculations.
  4. Additional Features:

    • Copy Result: Click the Copy button to copy the result to your clipboard.
    • Share Result: Click the Share button to share the result using the Web Share API (if supported).
    • Toggle Dark Mode: Click the toggle switch at the top-right corner to switch between light and dark themes.
    • Fullscreen Mode: Click the Fullscreen button to enter or exit fullscreen mode.
    • View History: Click the History button to toggle the visibility of your calculation history.

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