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Internal and external factors that influence human resource planning

Internal and external factors that influence human resource planning....External factors impact the size and availability of the pool of....
Internal and external factors that influence human resource planning


  • Define human resource planning within the context of strategic HRM.
  • Outline the importance of understanding both internal and external factors in effective human resource planning.

External Factors Impacting Human Resource Planning

Technological Change

  • Definition and Impact: Discuss how advancements in technology, such as automation and digital platforms, influence workforce requirements and working patterns, including the increase in remote work.
  • Industry Example: Explore the tech industry, focusing on a company like Google, which continuously adapts to technological innovations by evolving its recruitment strategies and work arrangements.

Demographic Change

  • Definition and Impact: Analyze the effects of demographic trends, such as aging populations and migration, on the labor pool’s size and skill set.
  • Industry Example: Examine the healthcare sector, particularly how hospitals and healthcare providers adjust HR planning in response to an aging population and the need for specialized healthcare professionals.

Economic Conditions

  • Definition and Impact: Examine how economic cycles, including recessions and growth periods, affect employment rates, wage expectations, and the availability of skilled labor.
  • Industry Example: Consider the construction industry’s response to economic fluctuations, focusing on strategies for scaling the workforce according to project demand and economic conditions.

Changes in Labour Mobility

  • Definition and Impact: Discuss the factors influencing labor mobility, including geographic, economic, and social elements, and their implications for HR planning.
  • Industry Example: Look at multinational corporations, such as those in the oil and gas sector, and how they manage international assignments, relocation packages, and local vs. expat employee considerations.

New Communication Technologies

  • Definition and Impact: Explore the impact of new communication technologies on recruitment, training, and work arrangements, including the rise of online recruitment platforms and e-learning.
  • Industry Example: Analyze a retail company that leverages online recruitment and e-learning platforms for staff training and development, highlighting the efficiencies gained and challenges faced.

Internal Factors Influencing HR Planning

Organizational Strategy

  • Definition and Impact: Detail how an organization’s strategic direction, including growth plans and market positioning, dictates HR requirements in terms of numbers and capabilities.
  • Industry Example: Use a startup’s scale-up phase to illustrate how strategic objectives drive the need for rapid recruitment and skill acquisition.

Workforce Demographics

  • Definition and Impact: Consider the internal workforce’s demographic composition and how it influences succession planning, diversity initiatives, and training needs.
  • Industry Example: Examine a financial services firm managing an aging workforce, focusing on strategies for knowledge transfer and diversity enhancement.

Corporate Culture

  • Definition and Impact: Reflect on the role of corporate culture in attracting and retaining talent, shaping training programs, and influencing workplace flexibility.
  • Industry Example: Discuss a company known for its strong corporate culture, such as Netflix, and how it influences HR practices, from recruitment to performance management.

Internal factors


  • Define the concept of internal factors in the context of human resource management (HRM).
  • Outline the impact of internal changes on HR planning and operations.

Changes in Business Organization

  • Definition and Impact: Explore how shifts in organizational structure, strategy, or operational focus necessitate adjustments in workforce composition, roles, and responsibilities.
  • HR Implications: Discuss the need for reskilling, restructuring teams, and possibly altering recruitment and retention strategies to align with the new organizational direction.
  • Industry Example: Analyze a major retail company, such as Walmart, undergoing digital transformation, requiring shifts in employee skill sets towards more digital competencies, and how HR supports this transition through training and development programs.

Changes in Labor Relations

  • Definition and Impact: Examine how changes in labor union dynamics, employee expectations, and negotiation outcomes can influence HR policies and practices.
  • HR Implications: Discuss the role of HR in negotiating labor contracts, managing union relations, and ensuring that changes in labor relations support both employee satisfaction and organizational goals.
  • Industry Example: Look at the automotive industry, focusing on a company like General Motors and its negotiations with unions over wages, working conditions, and job security, illustrating the balance HR must achieve between organizational objectives and workforce demands.

Changes in Business Finance

  • Definition and Impact: Assess how financial performance, including profitability and liquidity challenges, can lead to critical HR decisions regarding staffing levels, compensation, and benefits.
  • HR Implications: Highlight the strategic role of HR in workforce planning during financial downturns, including layoffs, hiring freezes, and reevaluating compensation structures to ensure financial sustainability.
  • Industry Example: Consider a technology startup facing financial instability that leads to workforce downsizing and restructuring. Discuss how HR manages the layoff process ethically and legally, while supporting remaining employees and realigning HR strategies to the new financial realities.

Managing Internal Changes

  • Strategies for Adaptation: Offer insights into how HR can proactively manage internal changes, including continuous environmental scanning, fostering a flexible organizational culture, and developing resilience among the workforce.
  • Role of Leadership: Emphasize the importance of strong leadership in guiding organizations through internal changes, with HR supporting leadership development and change management initiatives.


  • Summarize the critical influence of internal factors on HR planning and management.
  • Reflect on the importance of strategic HR management in navigating internal changes, ensuring that the organization remains adaptive, competitive, and financially viable.
  • Propose recommendations for HR practitioners to enhance their organization’s responsiveness to internal changes, focusing on strategic alignment, employee engagement, and sustainable HR practices.

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