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Internal and external factors that influence human resource planning

Internal and external factors that influence human resource planning....External factors impact the size and availability of the pool of potential employees for....
Internal and external factors that influence human resource planning

External factors impact the size and availability of the pool of potential employees for the business.

These can include:

Technological change: e.g. better technology can lead to more working from home.

Demographic change: e.g. an aging population, reduced birth rate or migration etc.

These factors affect the size of the labour pool and the skills they have to offer.

The state of the economy: e.g. in a recession, the unemployment rate is higher which allows business to ‘pick and choose’ people with right skills and experience (also they are willing to accept lower wages).

Demographic change

  • Changes in demographic populations.
  • Ageing populations: Increased dependent population, reduced labour mobility, changes in consumption patterns, change in employment patterns.
Changes in labour mobility
  • Friends and family affect geographic mobility.
  • Relocation costs.
  • Cost of living.
  • Language and cultural differences.
New communication technologies
  • Electronic/online recruitment.
  • Online meetings.
  • Flexitime and teleworking.
  • Online training courses.

Internal factors changes from within the business itself.

These can include:

Changes in business organisation: businesses change the way they are organised in order to better meet their strategic objectives.

Changes in labour relations: labour unionisation causes businesses to give in to some of their requirements in order to keep the business running and the workforce motivated.

Changes in business finance: financial difficulties cause businesses lay off some workers to minimise the costs.


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