AP Precalculus

AP® Precalculus Overview: Curriculum, Prerequisites, and More!


Are you curious about the new AP® Precalculus course and what it has to offer? Then you’re in the right spot. Firstly, in this AP® Precalculus overview, we’ll explore the curriculum of the course, providing insights into its comprehensive structure. Additionally, we’ll delve into some essential prerequisites to ensure you’re fully prepared. Furthermore, we’ll discuss the format of the exam, offering crucial information for both students and teachers. So, let’s dive in and discover how AP® Precalculus is shaping the future of high school mathematics

Here’s What You Should Know Going into AP® Precalculus

First, when entering AP® Precalculus, it’s important for you to have a strong foundation in several key areas. Here’s what you should be comfortable with:

Algebraic Concepts:

Initially, you should be proficient in algebraic manipulations, such as solving equations and inequalities, simplifying expressions, and understanding functions. Spend some time working with linear, quadratic, and polynomial equations. Factoring quadratic trinomials and using the quadratic formula are also necessary prerequisites.


A clear understanding of the concept of a function is crucial. Be familiar with different types of functions, how to graph them, and interpret their graphs. This includes linear, quadratic, basic polynomial functions, and piecewise-defined functions. Know how to work with a function represented graphically, numerically, analytically, and verbally.

Graphing Skills:

Furthermore, be comfortable with graphing functions and interpreting graphs. Understand key features of graphical concepts like slope, intercepts, and asymptotes.

Trigonometry Basics:

While a deep understanding of trigonometry is not expected, familiarity with the basics, such as the sine, cosine, and tangent functions, and the ability to work with right triangles, will be beneficial.

Systems of Equations and Inequalities:

Also, you should know how to solve systems of equations and inequalities, both algebraically and graphically.

Exponents and Radicals:

Understanding the properties of exponents and radicals, and being able to manipulate expressions involving them, is important.

Basic Geometry Knowledge:

Basic knowledge of geometric shapes, their properties, and the Pythagorean theorem will be useful.

Complex Numbers:

Familiarity with complex numbers and performing arithmetic operations with them will give you a leg up before taking this course.

Problem-Solving Skills:

Moreover, you should be able to approach and solve problems logically and be comfortable with mathematical reasoning and critical thinking.

Mathematical Communication: Lastly, the ability to clearly express mathematical ideas in writing and verbally will be an asset in this course.

Is AP® Precalculus Hard?

AP® Precalculus is a challenging but rewarding course that requires dedication and consistent practice. Primarily, It builds upon your existing knowledge and prepares you for more advanced topics in mathematics, including calculus. Whether AP® Precalculus is hard to you depends on a few factors, such as your background in mathematics, your study habits, and how comfortable you are with abstract concepts. Here’s a breakdown to help you gauge what to expect:

Mathematical Foundation:

Initially, AP® Precalculus builds on Algebra II and introduces more advanced concepts. You’re off to a good start if you have a strong grasp of algebra, functions, and basic trigonometry.

New Concepts:

Also, you’ll be introduced to new topics like advanced functions, trigonometry, and the beginnings of calculus. Expect to encounter concepts that are more abstract and complex than in previous math classes.

Problem-Solving and Analysis:

The course emphasizes analytical thinking and problem-solving. You’ll be required to understand and apply mathematical concepts, not just memorize formulas.

Workload and Pace:

AP® courses typically have a faster pace and a heavier workload compared to regular high school courses. Be prepared for regular homework, projects, and tests.

Preparation for AP® Exam:

A significant part of the course will be geared towards preparing for the AP® exam, which includes understanding the exam format and practicing AP-style questions.

Study Habits:

To add on, your success in AP® Precalculus will also depend on your study habits. Regular study, keeping up with homework, and seeking help when needed are key.

Interest and Attitude:

Finally, your interest in mathematics and your attitude towards learning new and challenging material will greatly influence how hard you find the course.

In summary, AP® Precalculus can be challenging, but it’s definitely manageable with the right preparation and mindset. If you enjoy math, are willing to put in the effort, and have done well in your previous math courses, you’ll likely find it a rewarding and enriching experience. Make sure to come back to this AP® precalculus overview to refresh your understanding throughout the year!

AP® Precalculus Curriculum 2024

Above all, let’s delve into the heart of the AP® Precalculus course: the curriculum. This AP® Precalculus overview would be incomplete without giving you an inside look at the topics covered. Below is a detailed table that outlines the key topics and concepts covered in 2024. This comprehensive overview will give you a clear picture of what to expect and the areas of focus throughout the course.

Mathematical Practices

Firstly, the Mathematical Practices. There are three mathematical practices that students should focus on and build on as they make their way through the course. The table below provides details about these and their approximate weight that they are assessed on the exam:

Mathematical PracticeDescriptionKey WordsPercentage
Practice 1: Procedural and Symbolic FluencyAlgebraically manipulate functions, equations, and expressionsSolve, simplify, evaluate, manipulate, identify39-48%
Practice 2: Multiple RepresentationsTranslate mathematical information between representationsGraph, transform,  interpret, factor20-27%
Practice 3: Communication and ReasoningCommunicate with precise language, and provide rationales for conclusionsExplain, justify, describe, support32-39%

Course Content

Secondly, on to the main event: the Course Content. The AP® Precalculus curriculum is broken up into four units. The first three units, along with their exam weighting are shown in the table below. These units are included in the exam. Meanwhile, the fourth unit is NOT tested on the exam and is only included for teachers based on state or local standard requirements:

Course Content Table

Unit 1: Polynomial and Rational Functions (30-40%)Understanding function relationships

Analyzing rates of change

Polynomial functions and their characteristics

Rational functions and their characteristics

Function transformations

Constructing function models for applications

Unit 1 | Polynomial and Rational Functions

External Resources:
End Behavior of Polynomial

Transformations of Functions

Rational Functions 
Unit 2: Exponential and Logarithmic Functions (27-40%)Arithmetic and geometric sequences and their connections to linear and exponential functions

Exponential functions and their properties and applications

Logarithmic functions and their properties and applications

Function composition and inverse functions

Solving exponential and logarithmic equations and inequalities

Unit 2 | Exponential and Logarithmic Functions

External Resources:
Exponential Functions

Composite and Inverse Functions

Properties of Logarithms
Unit 3: Trigonometric and Polar Functions (30-35%)Modeling periodic phenomena

Graphing trigonometric functions and their transformations

Understanding key features of all trigonometric and inverse trigonometric functions

Solving trigonometric equations and inequalities

Applications of sinusoidal functions

Polar coordinates and graphs of polar functions

Unit 3 | Trigonometric and Polar Functions

External Resources:
Graphs of Trig Functions

Polar Coordinates

Inverse Trigonometric Functions
Unit 4:  Functions Involving Parameters, Vectors, and Matrices (Not assessed on the AP® Exam)Parametric functions

Using parametric functions to model planar motion

Implicitly defined functions and conic sections

Vectors and matrices

Applications of vectors and matrices

Unit 4 | Functions Involving Parameters, Vectors, and Matrices

External Resources:
Parametric Functions

Conic Sections

Matrices and Matrix Operations

Format of the AP® Precalculus Exam

Furthermore, understanding the format of the AP® Precalculus Exam is crucial for effective preparation and success. In summary, we’ll break down the components of the exam, including the types of questions and the allocation of time, to give you a clear roadmap for what to expect on test day.

In brief, the AP® Precalculus exam has a total of 44 questions over a testing period of 3 hours. It is broken into multiple-choice and free-response questions, each with calculator and no calculator parts.

SectionQuestion TypeNumber of QuestionsExam WeightingTiming
IMultiple-choice questions   
 Part A: No calculator2843.75%80 minutes
 Part B: Graphing calculator required1218.75%40 minutes
IIFree-response questions   
 Part A: Graphing calculator required218.75%30 minutes
 Part B: No calculator218.75%30 minutes

Section I Multiple-Choice

Section I of the AP® Precalculus test consists of 40 multiple-choice questions split into a non-calculator portion (Part A) and a portion where a graphing calculator may be required (Part B). Each question has four possible answer choices (A, B, C, or D). This section is 2 hours long and counts for 62.5% of your final score.

Section II Free-Response

Section II of the ​​AP® Precalculus exam has 4 free-response questions. The first two questions make up Part A, during which a calculator may be required. In contrast, the remaining 2 questions will be completed in Part B without a calculator. Additionally, two questions will incorporate a real-world context or scenario. Furthermore, the other two questions deal with function concepts and algebraically manipulating all types of functions presented in Units 1-3. This section is one hour long and counts for 37.5% of your final score.


Will Colleges Accept AP Precalculus? Understanding the Impact on College Admissions

When preparing for college, students often wonder about the role and acceptance of Advanced Placement (AP) courses like AP Precalculus in the college admissions process. This post delves into how AP Precalculus is perceived by colleges and universities, and how it can impact your college application.

What is AP Precalculus?

AP Precalculus is not an official College Board AP course, but many high schools label their advanced precalculus courses as “AP” to denote a curriculum that is more challenging than the standard offerings. These courses aim to prepare students for the rigors of AP Calculus AB and BC, which are recognized by the College Board.

Do Colleges Recognize AP Precalculus?

Since AP Precalculus is not a College Board-endorsed course, it does not have an associated AP exam that students can take for college credit. However, the rigorous nature of the course is generally recognized by colleges during the admissions process. Admissions officers look favorably on students who challenge themselves academically, and taking advanced courses in high school demonstrates a readiness for college-level work.

How AP Precalculus Impacts College Admissions:

  1. Demonstrating Academic Rigor:

    • Colleges value students who push themselves to take the most challenging courses available. Taking AP Precalculus shows that you are prepared to take on difficult subjects and succeed.
  2. Preparation for AP Calculus:

    • Successfully completing AP Precalculus positions you well for taking AP Calculus AB or BC, which are recognized by colleges for credit and placement. This can be particularly advantageous for students aiming for STEM fields, where strong math skills are essential.
  3. Boosting Your GPA:

    • Many high schools offer weighted GPAs for AP courses, which can help boost your overall GPA and make your college application more competitive.
  4. Developing College-Ready Skills:

    • AP Precalculus covers a variety of topics that build a strong foundation in mathematical thinking and problem-solving, skills that are crucial for college success.

Points to Consider:

  • Major-Specific Requirements: If you’re planning on majoring in a field that requires strong math skills (like engineering, physics, computer science, etc.), excelling in AP Precalculus can be a significant advantage.
  • College-Specific Policies: Research the colleges you are interested in to understand how they view advanced precalculus courses. Some might place more emphasis on subsequent courses like AP Calculus for placement and credit.


How Long is the AP Precalculus Exam? A Complete Guide to Exam Structure and Timing

The AP Precalculus exam is a crucial stepping stone for students who want to demonstrate their mathematical abilities and earn potential college credit. Whether you’re planning to take this exam soon or just starting your prep, it’s important to know how the test is structured and how much time you’ll have to complete it. This blog will break down the duration of the AP Precalculus exam and provide a detailed overview of what to expect on test day.

Exam Length Overview

The AP Precalculus exam lasts for 2 hours and 30 minutes. Within this time, students are expected to answer a mix of multiple-choice and free-response questions that cover a range of precalculus topics, such as functions, algebra, and analytical geometry. The exam is divided into two main sections, and each section is weighted equally, contributing 50% to the overall exam score.

Breakdown of the AP Precalculus Exam Structure

1. Section 1: Multiple-Choice Questions

  • Number of Questions: 50
  • Time Allotted: 1 hour and 30 minutes
  • Weight: 50% of your overall score

The multiple-choice section is designed to assess your ability to apply mathematical concepts in a variety of contexts. The questions range in difficulty, and they test your skills in algebraic manipulation, understanding functions, trigonometry, and analyzing graphical data. You’ll need to carefully manage your time, as you’ll have approximately 1.8 minutes per question.

Key Topics Covered:
  • Polynomial and Rational Functions
  • Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
  • Trigonometric Functions
  • Parametric and Polar Functions
  • Vectors, Sequences, and Series

The goal of this section is to evaluate your ability to quickly and accurately solve problems, identify patterns, and make connections between different mathematical concepts.

2. Section 2: Free-Response Questions

  • Number of Questions: 4
  • Time Allotted: 1 hour
  • Weight: 50% of your overall score

The free-response section consists of open-ended questions that require you to show your work in detail. This part of the exam will challenge your problem-solving skills, asking you to explain your reasoning and provide clear, logical solutions. You’ll need to handle more complex problems here compared to the multiple-choice section.

Key Skills Tested:
  • Constructing mathematical models for real-world situations
  • Solving multi-step problems that require various precalculus concepts
  • Interpreting graphs and data in different mathematical contexts
  • Justifying your solutions with correct mathematical reasoning

Since you have 1 hour to solve 4 questions, this gives you about 15 minutes per question, which allows for more in-depth analysis and reasoning compared to the multiple-choice section.

Effective Time Management Tips for the AP Precalculus Exam

To make the most of your 2 hours and 30 minutes, here are some strategies to manage your time effectively:

  1. Practice Under Timed Conditions: Leading up to the exam, simulate the test environment by practicing with a timer. This will help you become familiar with the time constraints and develop a sense of how to pace yourself during the test.

  2. Know the Format Inside Out: Make sure you understand the types of questions asked in both sections. Familiarizing yourself with the format will help you avoid any surprises on test day.

  3. Use the Process of Elimination: On the multiple-choice section, eliminate clearly wrong answers first. This strategy saves time and increases your chances of selecting the correct answer from the remaining choices.

  4. Don’t Get Stuck: If you’re struggling with a question, move on and come back to it later. Getting stuck on a single problem can eat away precious time that could be used to answer easier questions.

  5. Show Your Work Clearly in Free Response: In the free-response section, even if you don’t arrive at the final answer, partial credit is often awarded for correct steps and reasoning. Be sure to show all your work clearly to maximize your score.

What Happens If You Finish Early?

If you finish a section before the time is up, use the extra time to review your answers. Double-check your calculations and ensure you’ve answered all parts of the questions. In the free-response section, reread your solutions to make sure your work is presented logically and clearly.

Key Takeaways

  • Total Duration: 2 hours and 30 minutes
  • Multiple-Choice Section: 50 questions, 1 hour and 30 minutes (50% of the score)
  • Free-Response Section: 4 questions, 1 hour (50% of the score)

The AP Precalculus exam is designed to be challenging, but with proper time management and preparation, you can excel. Knowing the structure and timing of the exam will help you feel more confident on test day, allowing you to focus on demonstrating your mathematical knowledge and skills.


Is AP Precalculus Hard? A Detailed Look at What to Expect

If you’re considering taking AP Precalculus, one of the first questions that might come to mind is, “How hard is it?” The difficulty of any course, especially one as foundational as precalculus, can vary depending on several factors like your math background, study habits, and the level of support you receive. This blog will break down the different aspects of AP Precalculus and help you understand what to expect so you can decide if it’s the right challenge for you.

What is AP Precalculus?

AP Precalculus is a rigorous, college-preparatory math course that covers advanced algebra, functions, and introductory topics in trigonometry and calculus. It’s designed to prepare students for higher-level math courses, such as AP Calculus AB or BC, and even college-level calculus. Since it’s part of the Advanced Placement (AP) program, the curriculum is more challenging than a standard precalculus course, with the goal of building strong mathematical foundations.

Factors that Make AP Precalculus Hard

  1. Advanced Topics and Complex Functions

    • AP Precalculus introduces more complex topics than a regular math class. You’ll be dealing with polynomial, exponential, logarithmic, trigonometric, and rational functions. Understanding how these functions behave and how to manipulate them algebraically is crucial, but it can be challenging if you’re not already comfortable with these types of problems.
  2. Faster Pace

    • The AP curriculum moves at a faster pace than a regular high school class. Because it covers more material in less time, it requires a lot of independent study and preparation outside of class. Students need to stay on top of their work to avoid falling behind.
  3. Problem-Solving Focus

    • AP Precalculus is not just about memorizing formulas or solving routine problems. Instead, it emphasizes applying mathematical concepts to real-world situations and solving multi-step problems. You’ll need strong critical thinking and problem-solving skills to succeed.
  4. Cumulative Content

    • Math is cumulative, which means the concepts you learn in one unit build upon previous units. If you don’t fully understand an earlier topic, it could affect your ability to grasp more advanced material. In AP Precalculus, this can be especially difficult since the topics are more interconnected.
  5. Exam Pressure

    • Like other AP courses, AP Precalculus has a final exam that can be stressful for students. The exam includes both multiple-choice and free-response questions, and you’ll need to demonstrate a deep understanding of the material to do well. This high-stakes exam is a source of pressure for many students.

What Makes AP Precalculus Manageable?

While AP Precalculus can be challenging, there are also aspects that make it manageable, especially for motivated students:

  1. Solid Math Foundation

    • If you’ve done well in Algebra II or any prior math courses, you already have a strong foundation to build on. Many of the concepts you’ll encounter in AP Precalculus are extensions of topics you’ve likely already seen, so you won’t be starting from scratch.
  2. Consistent Practice

    • Like any other math course, the key to success is practice. The more problems you work through, the more comfortable you’ll become with the material. AP Precalculus teachers often provide plenty of practice resources to help you master the skills needed for the exam.
  3. Availability of Study Resources

    • There are many resources available for AP Precalculus students. From online videos, tutorials, and study guides to practice tests, you can find plenty of help outside of class. If you’re struggling with a particular topic, these resources can provide additional explanations and practice problems.
  4. Teacher and Peer Support

    • Your teacher is there to guide you through the course, and asking questions is key to understanding the harder concepts. Also, working with peers can provide you with different perspectives on difficult problems. Study groups are a great way to reinforce what you’ve learned in class.
  5. Application of Real-World Problems

    • One aspect of AP Precalculus that many students enjoy is the focus on applying math to real-world problems. You’ll learn how to model scenarios using mathematical functions, which can make the course more engaging and easier to relate to everyday life.

Who Should Take AP Precalculus?

AP Precalculus might be hard, but it can be highly rewarding for the right students. Here’s how to determine if this course is a good fit for you:

  • Interest in Math: If you enjoy math and plan on taking AP Calculus or pursuing a STEM major in college, AP Precalculus will prepare you well.

  • Strong Math Background: If you did well in previous math courses like Algebra II or Honors Precalculus, you’ll likely have the skills needed to succeed in this course.

  • Good Time Management: Since AP Precalculus moves quickly, students need to be disciplined and organized to keep up with the coursework. Good time management is key.

  • Problem-Solving Mindset: If you enjoy solving complex problems and thinking critically, you’ll likely appreciate the problem-solving aspect of AP Precalculus.


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