Mathematics is a universal language that underpins everything from everyday calculations to complex scientific theories. But who exactly created math? This post explores the origins of mathematics and highlights key figures who have shaped its development, focusing on specific contributions such as the creation of variables and the concept of division.
The Beginnings of Mathematics
Early Civilizations and the Foundation of Math:
Mathematics did not originate from a single individual but evolved through the contributions of various early civilizations. Ancient cultures like the Sumerians, Egyptians, Babylonians, and Greeks all played critical roles in developing the basic principles of math that we use today.
The Concept of Variables in Mathematics
Introduction to Variables:
The concept of variables, fundamental in algebra, can be traced back to the ancient Babylonians, who were among the first to use symbols to represent unknown quantities in their mathematical equations around 1800 BCE. However, the systematic use of variables was significantly advanced by Persian mathematician Al-Khwarizmi in the 9th century, whose works laid the foundation for modern algebra.
The Development of Mathematical Division
Origins of Division:
Division as a concept has been around since ancient times, used by early civilizations such as the Egyptians and Babylonians for practical purposes like distributing food and goods or dividing land. The symbol for division that we are familiar with today was developed much later. The obelus (÷), now commonly used in English-speaking countries, was first used by Swiss mathematician Johann Rahn in 1659 in his book “Teutsche Algebra.”
Key Figures in the History of Mathematics
Pythagoras and Euclid:
While not the creators of math, figures like Pythagoras and Euclid have had immense influence on its development. Pythagoras is best known for the Pythagorean Theorem in geometry, and Euclid’s work, “The Elements,” is one of the most influential works in the history of mathematics, laying down the axiomatic method still used in mathematics today.
Often referred to as the ‘Father of Algebra,’ Al-Khwarizmi’s contributions go beyond introducing variables. His works in the 9th century introduced the decimal positional number system to the Western world.
Isaac Newton and Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz:
Both credited with the development of calculus independently in the 17th century, Newton and Leibniz’s contributions to mathematics have enabled the advancement of engineering, economics, and science.
Math Symbols List
List of all mathematical symbols and signs – meaning and examples.
Basic math symbols
Symbol | Symbol Name | Meaning / definition | Example |
= | equals sign | equality | 5 = 2+3 5 is equal to 2+3 |
≠ | not equal sign | inequality | 5 ≠ 4 5 is not equal to 4 |
≈ | approximately equal | approximation | sin(0.01) ≈ 0.01, x ≈ y means x is approximately equal to y |
> | strict inequality | greater than | 5 > 4 5 is greater than 4 |
< | strict inequality | less than | 4 < 5 4 is less than 5 |
≥ | inequality | greater than or equal to | 5 ≥ 4, x ≥ y means x is greater than or equal to y |
≤ | inequality | less than or equal to | 4 ≤ 5, x ≤ y means x is less than or equal to y |
( ) | parentheses | calculate expression inside first | 2 × (3+5) = 16 |
[ ] | brackets | calculate expression inside first | [(1+2)×(1+5)] = 18 |
+ | plus sign | addition | 1 + 1 = 2 |
− | minus sign | subtraction | 2 − 1 = 1 |
± | plus – minus | both plus and minus operations | 3 ± 5 = 8 or -2 |
± | minus – plus | both minus and plus operations | 3 ∓ 5 = -2 or 8 |
* | asterisk | multiplication | 2 * 3 = 6 |
× | times sign | multiplication | 2 × 3 = 6 |
⋅ | multiplication dot | multiplication | 2 ⋅ 3 = 6 |
÷ | division sign / obelus | division | 6 ÷ 2 = 3 |
/ | division slash | division | 6 / 2 = 3 |
— | horizontal line | division / fraction | ![]() |
mod | modulo | remainder calculation | 7 mod 2 = 1 |
. | period | decimal point, decimal separator | 2.56 = 2+56/100 |
ab | power | exponent | 23 = 8 |
a^b | caret | exponent | 2 ^ 3 = 8 |
√a | square root | √a ⋅ √a = a | √9 = ±3 |
3√a | cube root | 3√a ⋅ 3√a ⋅ 3√a = a | 3√8 = 2 |
4√a | fourth root | 4√a ⋅ 4√a ⋅ 4√a ⋅ 4√a = a | 4√16 = ±2 |
n√a | n-th root (radical) | for n=3, n√8 = 2 | |
% | percent | 1% = 1/100 | 10% × 30 = 3 |
‰ | per-mille | 1‰ = 1/1000 = 0.1% | 10‰ × 30 = 0.3 |
ppm | per-million | 1ppm = 1/1000000 | 10ppm × 30 = 0.0003 |
ppb | per-billion | 1ppb = 1/1000000000 | 10ppb × 30 = 3×10-7 |
ppt | per-trillion | 1ppt = 10-12 | 10ppt × 30 = 3×10-10 |
Geometry symbols
Symbol | Symbol Name | Meaning / definition | Example |
∠ | angle | formed by two rays | ∠ABC = 30° |
![]() | measured angle | ![]() | |
![]() | spherical angle | ![]() | |
∟ | right angle | = 90° | α = 90° |
° | degree | 1 turn = 360° | α = 60° |
deg | degree | 1 turn = 360deg | α = 60deg |
′ | prime | arcminute, 1° = 60′ | α = 60°59′ |
″ | double prime | arcsecond, 1′ = 60″ | α = 60°59′59″ |
![]() | line | infinite line | |
AB | line segment | line from point A to point B | |
![]() | ray | line that start from point A | |
![]() | arc | arc from point A to point B | ![]() |
⊥ | perpendicular | perpendicular lines (90° angle) | AC ⊥ BC |
∥ | parallel | parallel lines | AB ∥ CD |
≅ | congruent to | equivalence of geometric shapes and size | ∆ABC≅ ∆XYZ |
~ | similarity | same shapes, not same size | ∆ABC~ ∆XYZ |
Δ | triangle | triangle shape | ΔABC≅ ΔBCD |
|x–y| | distance | distance between points x and y | | x–y | = 5 |
π | pi constant | π = 3.141592654… is the ratio between the circumference and diameter of a circle | c = π⋅d = 2⋅π⋅r |
rad | radians | radians angle unit | 360° = 2π rad |
c | radians | radians angle unit | 360° = 2π c |
grad | gradians / gons | grads angle unit | 360° = 400 grad |
g | gradians / gons | grads angle unit | 360° = 400 g |
Algebra symbols
Symbol | Symbol Name | Meaning / definition | Example |
x | x variable | unknown value to find | when 2x = 4, then x = 2 |
≡ | equivalence | identical to | |
≜ | equal by definition | equal by definition | |
:= | equal by definition | equal by definition | |
~ | approximately equal | weak approximation | 11 ~ 10 |
≈ | approximately equal | approximation | sin(0.01) ≈ 0.01 |
∝ | proportional to | proportional to | y ∝ x when y = kx, kconstant |
∞ | lemniscate | infinity symbol | |
≪ | much less than | much less than | 1 ≪ 1000000 |
≫ | much greater than | much greater than | 1000000 ≫ 1 |
( ) | parentheses | calculate expression inside first | 2 * (3+5) = 16 |
[ ] | brackets | calculate expression inside first | [(1+2)*(1+5)] = 18 |
{ } | braces | set | |
⌊x⌋ | floor brackets | rounds number to lower integer | ⌊4.3⌋ = 4 |
⌈x⌉ | ceiling brackets | rounds number to upper integer | ⌈4.3⌉ = 5 |
x! | exclamation mark | factorial | 4! = 1*2*3*4 = 24 |
| x | | vertical bars | absolute value | | -5 | = 5 |
f (x) | function of x | maps values of x to f(x) | f (x) = 3x+5 |
(f ∘ g) | function composition | (f ∘ g) (x) = f (g(x)) | f (x)=3x,g(x)=x-1 ⇒(f ∘ g)(x)=3(x-1) |
(a,b) | open interval | (a,b) = {x | a < x < b} | x∈ (2,6) |
[a,b] | closed interval | [a,b] = {x | a ≤ x ≤ b} | x ∈ [2,6] |
∆ | delta | change / difference | ∆t = t1 – t0 |
∆ | discriminant | Δ = b2 – 4ac | |
∑ | sigma | summation – sum of all values in range of series | ∑ xi= x1+x2+…+xn |
∑∑ | sigma | double summation | ![]() |
∏ | capital pi | product – product of all values in range of series | ∏ xi=x1∙x2∙…∙xn |
e | e constant / Euler’s number | e = 2.718281828… | e = lim (1+1/x)x , x→∞ |
γ | Euler-Mascheroni constant | γ = 0.5772156649… | |
φ | golden ratio | golden ratio constant | |
π | pi constant | π = 3.141592654… is the ratio between the circumference and diameter of a circle | c = π⋅d = 2⋅π⋅r |
Linear Algebra Symbols
Symbol | Symbol Name | Meaning / definition | Example |
· | dot | scalar product | a · b |
× | cross | vector product | a × b |
A⊗B | tensor product | tensor product of A and B | A ⊗ B |
inner product | |||
[ ] | brackets | matrix of numbers | |
( ) | parentheses | matrix of numbers | |
| A | | determinant | determinant of matrix A | |
det(A) | determinant | determinant of matrix A | |
|| x || | double vertical bars | norm | |
AT | transpose | matrix transpose | (AT)ij = (A)ji |
A† | Hermitian matrix | matrix conjugate transpose | (A†)ij = (A)ji |
A* | Hermitian matrix | matrix conjugate transpose | (A*)ij = (A)ji |
A -1 | inverse matrix | A A-1 = I | |
rank(A) | matrix rank | rank of matrix A | rank(A) = 3 |
dim(U) | dimension | dimension of matrix A | dim(U) = 3 |
Probability and statistics symbols
Symbol | Symbol Name | Meaning / definition | Example |
P(A) | probability function | probability of event A | P(A) = 0.5 |
P(A ⋂ B) | probability of events intersection | probability that of events A and B | P(A⋂B) = 0.5 |
P(A ⋃ B) | probability of events union | probability that of events A or B | P(A⋃B) = 0.5 |
P(A | B) | conditional probability function | probability of event A given event B occured | P(A | B) = 0.3 |
f (x) | probability density function (pdf) | P(a ≤ x ≤ b) = ∫ f (x) dx | |
F(x) | cumulative distribution function (cdf) | F(x) = P(X≤ x) | |
μ | population mean | mean of population values | μ = 10 |
E(X) | expectation value | expected value of random variable X | E(X) = 10 |
E(X | Y) | conditional expectation | expected value of random variable X given Y | E(X | Y=2) = 5 |
var(X) | variance | variance of random variable X | var(X) = 4 |
σ2 | variance | variance of population values | σ2 = 4 |
std(X) | standard deviation | standard deviation of random variable X | std(X) = 2 |
σX | standard deviation | standard deviation value of random variable X | σX = 2 |
median | middle value of random variable x | ||
cov(X,Y) | covariance | covariance of random variables X and Y | cov(X,Y) = 4 |
corr(X,Y) | correlation | correlation of random variables X and Y | corr(X,Y) = 0.6 |
ρX,Y | correlation | correlation of random variables X and Y | ρX,Y = 0.6 |
∑ | summation | summation – sum of all values in range of series | ![]() |
∑∑ | double summation | double summation | ![]() |
Mo | mode | value that occurs most frequently in population | |
MR | mid-range | MR = (xmax+xmin)/2 | |
Md | sample median | half the population is below this value | |
Q1 | lower / first quartile | 25% of population are below this value | |
Q2 | median / second quartile | 50% of population are below this value = median of samples | |
Q3 | upper / third quartile | 75% of population are below this value | |
x | sample mean | average / arithmetic mean | x = (2+5+9) / 3 = 5.333 |
s 2 | sample variance | population samples variance estimator | s 2 = 4 |
s | sample standard deviation | population samples standard deviation estimator | s = 2 |
zx | standard score | zx = (x-x) / sx | |
X ~ | distribution of X | distribution of random variable X | X ~ N(0,3) |
N(μ,σ2) | normal distribution | gaussian distribution | X ~ N(0,3) |
U(a,b) | uniform distribution | equal probability in range a,b | X ~ U(0,3) |
exp(λ) | exponential distribution | f (x) = λe–λx , x≥0 | |
gamma(c, λ) | gamma distribution | f (x) = λ c xc-1e–λx / Γ(c), x≥0 | |
χ 2(k) | chi-square distribution | f (x) = xk/2-1e–x/2 / ( 2k/2 Γ(k/2) ) | |
F (k1, k2) | F distribution | ||
Bin(n,p) | binomial distribution | f (k) = nCk pk(1-p)n-k | |
Poisson(λ) | Poisson distribution | f (k) = λke–λ / k! | |
Geom(p) | geometric distribution | f (k) = p(1-p) k | |
HG(N,K,n) | hyper-geometric distribution | ||
Bern(p) | Bernoulli distribution |
Combinatorics Symbols
Symbol | Symbol Name | Meaning / definition | Example |
n! | factorial | n! = 1⋅2⋅3⋅…⋅n | 5! = 1⋅2⋅3⋅4⋅5 = 120 |
nPk | permutation | 5P3 = 5! / (5-3)! = 60 | |
| combination | 5C3 = 5!/[3!(5-3)!]=10 |
Set theory symbols
Symbol | Symbol Name | Meaning / definition | Example |
{ } | set | a collection of elements | A = {3,7,9,14}, B = {9,14,28} |
A ∩ B | intersection | objects that belong to set A and set B | A ∩ B = {9,14} |
A ∪ B | union | objects that belong to set A or set B | A ∪ B = {3,7,9,14,28} |
A ⊆ B | subset | A is a subset of B. set A is included in set B. | {9,14,28} ⊆ {9,14,28} |
A ⊂ B | proper subset / strict subset | A is a subset of B, but A is not equal to B. | {9,14} ⊂ {9,14,28} |
A ⊄ B | not subset | set A is not a subset of set B | {9,66} ⊄ {9,14,28} |
A ⊇ B | superset | A is a superset of B. set A includes set B | {9,14,28} ⊇ {9,14,28} |
A ⊃ B | proper superset / strict superset | A is a superset of B, but B is not equal to A. | {9,14,28} ⊃ {9,14} |
A ⊅ B | not superset | set A is not a superset of set B | {9,14,28} ⊅ {9,66} |
2A | power set | all subsets of A | |
![]() | power set | all subsets of A | |
A = B | equality | both sets have the same members | A={3,9,14}, B={3,9,14}, A=B |
Ac | complement | all the objects that do not belong to set A | |
A \ B | relative complement | objects that belong to A and not to B | A = {3,9,14}, B = {1,2,3}, A-B = {9,14} |
A – B | relative complement | objects that belong to A and not to B | A = {3,9,14}, B = {1,2,3}, A-B = {9,14} |
A ∆ B | symmetric difference | objects that belong to A or B but not to their intersection | A = {3,9,14}, B = {1,2,3}, A ∆ B = {1,2,9,14} |
A ⊖ B | symmetric difference | objects that belong to A or B but not to their intersection | A = {3,9,14}, B = {1,2,3}, A ⊖ B = {1,2,9,14} |
a∈A | element of, belongs to | set membership | A={3,9,14}, 3 ∈ A |
x∉A | not element of | no set membership | A={3,9,14}, 1 ∉ A |
(a,b) | ordered pair | collection of 2 elements | |
A×B | cartesian product | set of all ordered pairs from A and B | A×B = {(a,b)|a∈A , b∈B} |
|A| | cardinality | the number of elements of set A | A={3,9,14}, |A|=3 |
#A | cardinality | the number of elements of set A | A={3,9,14}, #A=3 |
| | vertical bar | such that | A={x|3<x<14} |
![]() | aleph-null | infinite cardinality of natural numbers set | |
![]() | aleph-one | cardinality of countable ordinal numbers set | |
Ø | empty set | Ø = { } | C = {Ø} |
![]() | universal set | set of all possible values | |
![]() | natural numbers / whole numbers set (with zero) | ![]() | 0 ∈ ![]() |
![]() | natural numbers / whole numbers set (without zero) | ![]() | 6 ∈ ![]() |
![]() | integer numbers set | ![]() | -6 ∈ ![]() |
![]() | rational numbers set | ![]() ![]() | 2/6 ∈ ![]() |
![]() | real numbers set | ![]() | 6.343434∈![]() |
![]() | complex numbers set | ![]() | 6+2i ∈ ![]() |
Logic symbols
Symbol | Symbol Name | Meaning / definition | Example |
⋅ | and | and | x ⋅ y |
^ | caret / circumflex | and | x ^ y |
& | ampersand | and | x & y |
+ | plus | or | x + y |
∨ | reversed caret | or | x ∨ y |
| | vertical line | or | x | y |
x‘ | single quote | not – negation | x‘ |
x | bar | not – negation | x |
¬ | not | not – negation | ¬ x |
! | exclamation mark | not – negation | ! x |
⊕ | circled plus / oplus | exclusive or – xor | x ⊕ y |
~ | tilde | negation | ~ x |
⇒ | implies | ||
⇔ | equivalent | if and only if (iff) | |
↔ | equivalent | if and only if (iff) | |
∀ | for all | ||
∃ | there exists | ||
∄ | there does not exists | ||
∴ | therefore | ||
∵ | because / since |
Calculus & analysis symbols
Symbol | Symbol Name | Meaning / definition | Example |
limit | limit value of a function | ||
ε | epsilon | represents a very small number, near zero | ε → 0 |
e | e constant / Euler’s number | e = 2.718281828… | e = lim (1+1/x)x , x→∞ |
y ‘ | derivative | derivative – Lagrange’s notation | (3x3)’ = 9x2 |
y ” | second derivative | derivative of derivative | (3x3)” = 18x |
y(n) | nth derivative | n times derivation | (3x3)(3) = 18 |
derivative | derivative – Leibniz’s notation | d(3x3)/dx = 9x2 | |
second derivative | derivative of derivative | d2(3x3)/dx2 = 18x | |
nth derivative | n times derivation | ||
time derivative | derivative by time – Newton’s notation | ||
time second derivative | derivative of derivative | ||
Dx y | derivative | derivative – Euler’s notation | |
Dx2y | second derivative | derivative of derivative | |
partial derivative | ∂(x2+y2)/∂x= 2x | ||
∫ | integral | opposite to derivation | ∫ f(x)dx |
∫∫ | double integral | integration of function of 2 variables | ∫∫ f(x,y)dxdy |
∫∫∫ | triple integral | integration of function of 3 variables | ∫∫∫ f(x,y,z)dxdydz |
∮ | closed contour / line integral | ||
∯ | closed surface integral | ||
∰ | closed volume integral | ||
[a,b] | closed interval | [a,b] = {x | a ≤ x ≤ b} | |
(a,b) | open interval | (a,b) = {x | a < x < b} | |
i | imaginary unit | i ≡ √-1 | z = 3 + 2i |
z* | complex conjugate | z = a+bi → z*=a–bi | z* = 3 – 2i |
z | complex conjugate | z = a+bi → z = a–bi | z = 3 – 2i |
Re(z) | real part of a complex number | z = a+bi → Re(z)=a | Re(3 – 2i) = 3 |
Im(z) | imaginary part of a complex number | z = a+bi → Im(z)=b | Im(3 – 2i) = -2 |
| z | | absolute value/magnitude of a complex number | |z| = |a+bi| = √(a2+b2) | |3 – 2i| = √13 |
arg(z) | argument of a complex number | The angle of the radius in the complex plane | arg(3 + 2i) = 33.7° |
∇ | nabla / del | gradient / divergence operator | ∇f (x,y,z) |
vector | |||
unit vector | |||
x * y | convolution | y(t) = x(t) * h(t) | |
![]() | Laplace transform | F(s) = ![]() | |
![]() | Fourier transform | X(ω) = ![]() | |
δ | delta function | ||
∞ | lemniscate | infinity symbol |
Numeral symbols
Name | Western Arabic | Roman | Eastern Arabic | Hebrew |
zero | 0 | ٠ | ||
one | 1 | I | ١ | א |
two | 2 | II | ٢ | ב |
three | 3 | III | ٣ | ג |
four | 4 | IV | ٤ | ד |
five | 5 | V | ٥ | ה |
six | 6 | VI | ٦ | ו |
seven | 7 | VII | ٧ | ז |
eight | 8 | VIII | ٨ | ח |
nine | 9 | IX | ٩ | ט |
ten | 10 | X | ١٠ | י |
eleven | 11 | XI | ١١ | יא |
twelve | 12 | XII | ١٢ | יב |
thirteen | 13 | XIII | ١٣ | יג |
fourteen | 14 | XIV | ١٤ | יד |
fifteen | 15 | XV | ١٥ | טו |
sixteen | 16 | XVI | ١٦ | טז |
seventeen | 17 | XVII | ١٧ | יז |
eighteen | 18 | XVIII | ١٨ | יח |
nineteen | 19 | XIX | ١٩ | יט |
twenty | 20 | XX | ٢٠ | כ |
thirty | 30 | XXX | ٣٠ | ל |
forty | 40 | XL | ٤٠ | מ |
fifty | 50 | L | ٥٠ | נ |
sixty | 60 | LX | ٦٠ | ס |
seventy | 70 | LXX | ٧٠ | ע |
eighty | 80 | LXXX | ٨٠ | פ |
ninety | 90 | XC | ٩٠ | צ |
one hundred | 100 | C | ١٠٠ | ק |
Greek alphabet letters
Upper Case Letter | Lower Case Letter | Greek Letter Name | English Equivalent | Letter Name Pronounce |
Α | α | Alpha | a | al-fa |
Β | β | Beta | b | be-ta |
Γ | γ | Gamma | g | ga-ma |
Δ | δ | Delta | d | del-ta |
Ε | ε | Epsilon | e | ep-si-lon |
Ζ | ζ | Zeta | z | ze-ta |
Η | η | Eta | h | eh-ta |
Θ | θ | Theta | th | te-ta |
Ι | ι | Iota | i | io-ta |
Κ | κ | Kappa | k | ka-pa |
Λ | λ | Lambda | l | lam-da |
Μ | μ | Mu | m | m-yoo |
Ν | ν | Nu | n | noo |
Ξ | ξ | Xi | x | x-ee |
Ο | ο | Omicron | o | o-mee-c-ron |
Π | π | Pi | p | pa-yee |
Ρ | ρ | Rho | r | row |
Σ | σ | Sigma | s | sig-ma |
Τ | τ | Tau | t | ta-oo |
Υ | υ | Upsilon | u | oo-psi-lon |
Φ | φ | Phi | ph | f-ee |
Χ | χ | Chi | ch | kh-ee |
Ψ | ψ | Psi | ps | p-see |
Ω | ω | Omega | o | o-me-ga |
Roman numerals
Number | Roman numeral |
0 | not defined |
1 | I |
2 | II |
3 | III |
4 | IV |
5 | V |
6 | VI |
7 | VII |
8 | VIII |
9 | IX |
10 | X |
11 | XI |
12 | XII |
13 | XIII |
14 | XIV |
15 | XV |
16 | XVI |
17 | XVII |
18 | XVIII |
19 | XIX |
20 | XX |
30 | XXX |
40 | XL |
50 | L |
60 | LX |
70 | LXX |
80 | LXXX |
90 | XC |
100 | C |
200 | CC |
300 | CCC |
400 | CD |
500 | D |
600 | DC |
700 | DCC |
800 | DCCC |
900 | CM |
1000 | M |
5000 | V |
10000 | X |
50000 | L |
100000 | C |
500000 | D |
1000000 | M |
Mathematics is a field that has been developed over millennia, with contributions from countless individuals across different cultures and eras. While it’s not possible to credit one person with ‘creating’ math, we can appreciate the many mathematicians who have contributed to its rich and ongoing development.