What Does ‘Mean’ Mean in Math? Understanding Key Mathematical Terms


Mathematics is filled with terms that are crucial to understanding and solving problems effectively. This blog post will clarify some commonly confused terms, focusing on what “mean” and related terms signify in math. Whether you’re a student, educator, or just refreshing your math skills, this guide will help demystify these concepts.

What Does ‘Mean’ Mean in Math?

Definition and Explanation: In mathematics, ‘mean’ typically refers to the average value of a set of numbers. It is calculated by adding all the numbers in a set together and then dividing by the count of numbers in the set. This measure of central tendency is commonly used in statistics and everyday calculations.

There are different types of average or measures of central tendency. These include:

  • Median, also known as the middle number or middle value
  • Mode or modal number, the most frequently occurring data value
  • Range, the difference between the smallest value and highest value

There are also other types of mean such as:

  • Harmonic mean
  • Sample mean
  • Geometric mean

What Does ‘And’ Mean in Math?

Understanding Logical Conjunctions: In mathematical logic, ‘and’ is a conjunction used to combine two conditions that must both be true. For example, in the statement “x > 5 and x < 10,” both conditions must be satisfied for the statement to be true.

What Does ‘E’ Mean in Math?

The Exponential Constant: ‘E’ refers to Euler’s number, approximately equal to 2.71828. It is a fundamental constant used particularly in calculus, representing the base rate of growth shared by all continually growing processes. Euler’s number is crucial in the formula for exponential growth, often expressed as e^x.

What Does ‘Median’ Mean in Math?

Central Value of a Dataset: Median is the middle value in a set of data arranged in numerical order. If the dataset has an odd number of observations, the median is the middle number. If there is an even number of observations, the median is the average of the two middle numbers. This is another measure of central tendency used in statistics.

What Does ‘Quotient’ Mean in Math?

Result of Division: The quotient is the result obtained when one number is divided by another. It is essentially the answer to a division problem. For example, in the division 15 ÷ 3, the quotient would be 5.

Mean math examples

Visualizing mean

Mean in math is often taught and explained through abstract methods as soon as students in 6th grade are capable of manipulating the numbers needed to find the mean or average amount.

However, students must understand what is happening when they find the mean of a data set.

The pictures below show just that.

mean average visualisation graph

If this represented a data set of points four teams scored in a game, we could find the mean by:

  • Adding up all the data points to find the sum of the values
  • Dividing the sum by the number of data points in total

While this reaches the answer of a single number, it does not provide a conceptual understanding of what is happening to that data.

Before students carry out an algorithm, it would be better to demonstrate what is happening when carrying out this process.

In finding the mean, we want to find the average points scored in a game across all teams. The way to do this would be to see if we can manipulate the data to get all data points to the same height.

When doing this with a class, I would get them to make these representations physically with cubes or counters.

We can see that by removing two orange cubes and placing them on top of the blue cubes, all data points have the same value.

This is demonstrated in the next picture.

average and mean in math data at the same height

With all data at the same height, we can see that the mean average is the size of each part when a quantity is shared equally.

How do you calculate mean?

To find the mean of a set, you first need a given set of values. This data set can be obtained from various data but it is more meaningful when relatable to your class.

Here’s a frequency table containing discrete data (rather than grouped data) with no outliers.

NameNumber of books read

To find the mean average value, you must first add all the data points and divide the sum by the total number of values. Students first need to find the total number of books the class read.

As they are in 6th grade, I would encourage them to use their mental arithmetic skills to find the total. They may make number bonds that they are comfortable with.

In ascending order:

  • 5, 4 and 1 make a number bond to 10
  • 2, 5 and 3 make a number bond to 10
  • 8 and 4 make 12, so this gives a total of 32

The next step is to divide 32 by the number of values in the (bimodal) data set. As there are 8 students, divide 32 by 8.

Students should be able to use their multiplication facts (8 × 4 = 32) to know that 32 divided by 8 is 4. This makes 4 the mean value of the set of numbers above.

When do children learn about mean and average in school?

While studying statistics and probability, students in 6th grade are expected to learn how to give quantitative measures of center (median and/or mean) and describe any overall pattern with reference to the context in which the data was gathered. 

According to the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills, students are introduced to summarizing numeric data with numerical summaries, including the mean and median, during their 6th grade year while studying data analysis.

How do mean and average relate to other areas of math?

Finding the mean can improve fluency skills of addition when adding several data sets and can encourage students to use mental math methods for these additions.

Students can also find more complex averages from decimals. Likewise, it can help students practice seeing division as the inverse of multiplication.

An interactive Third Space Learning online intervention lesson on finding the mean.

mean average lesson
An interactive Third Space Learning online intervention lesson on finding the mean.

How do mean and average link to real life?

Finding the mean is just one of the ways that people find averages from a set of data. The United States Census Bureau uses the mean to find the average age of the population and the population mean. Any role that involves looking at data will likely use the mean to help draw conclusions from the data.

Mean math worked examples

Here are some step-by-step worked examples for calculating the mean in math.

1. Find the mean.

NameNumber of detentions in a year

To find the mean, first, add all the data sets.

To solve this, we need to add the list of numbers, 18, 35, 21 and 26. This is 100.

Next, we divide by the number of data sets. As this data is for 4 people, the number of data sets is 4. This means we need to divide 100 by 4. This is 25.

2. Find the mean.

NameNumber of merits

To find the mean, first, add all the data sets.

To solve this, we need to add 45, 37, 43, 46 and 54. This is 225.

Next, we divide by the number of data sets. As this data is for 5 people, the number of data sets is 5. This means we need to divide 225 by 5. We can do this by partitioning 225 into 200 and 25. 25 divided by 5 is 5 and 200 divided by 5 is 40. When these are added together, you get 45.

The mean number of merits is 45.

Mean math practice questions

1. Use a concrete manipulative to share these quantities out equally.

average and mean in math graph worked example

Answer: Each row should have 7 blocks.

2. Complete this sentence stem:

To find the mean, first ______ all the data sets and then ______ by the ______ of data sets.

Answer: To find the mean, first add all the data sets and then divide by the number of data sets.

3. Find the mean.

NameNumber of books read

Answer: The mean is 4.

4. Joshua has tried to find the mean. Can you spot his mistake?

Pig 1Pig 2Pig 3

54 + 55 + 59 = 168kg

168 ÷ 6 = 28

The mean weight is 28kg.

Answer: Joshua’s mistake is that he divided by 6 and not 3.

5. Find the mean.

NameNumber of cookies eaten

Answer: 126

What is a mean in math?

A mean in math is the average of a data set, found by adding all numbers together and then dividing the sum of the numbers by the number of numbers. For example, with the data set: 8, 9, 5, 6, 7, the mean is 7, as 8 + 9 + 5 + 6 + 7 = 35, 35/5 = 7.

What is the definition of mean?

The mean is the average of two or more numbers.

What is the mean of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5?

The mean is 3.



Understanding these mathematical terms is fundamental to mastering various math concepts and solving problems efficiently. Whether you’re dealing with basic arithmetic or advanced calculus, recognizing and understanding terms like mean, median, and quotient can enhance your mathematical literacy and problem-solving skills.


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