Business & ManagementIB

The impact of globalisation on the growth and evolution of businesses

The impact of globalisation on the growth and evolution of businesses....worldwide movement toward economic, financial, trade, and communication...
The impact of globalisation on the growth and evolution of businesses

Globalisation worldwide movement toward economic, financial, trade, and communications integration.

Globalization, characterized by the worldwide movement toward economic, financial, trade, and communications integration, has profoundly impacted the growth and evolution of businesses. It has reshaped how companies operate, compete, and serve their customers in the global marketplace. The effects of globalization on businesses are multifaceted, encompassing increased competitiveness, challenges in meeting customer expectations, access to a larger customer base, economies of scale, a broader choice of location, external growth opportunities, and diversified sources of finance. Understanding these impacts is crucial for IB Business & Management students, as it provides insights into the strategic considerations businesses must navigate in the global economy. This comprehensive analysis explores the impact of globalization on businesses, supported by industry examples.

Increased Competitiveness

Impact: Globalization intensifies competition as companies face off against foreign competitors both in domestic and international markets.

Example: The entrance of Samsung and Huawei into the global smartphone market has intensified competition for established players like Apple and Nokia, pushing innovation and price competitiveness.

Increased Difficulty of Meeting Customer Expectations

Impact: The high level of competitiveness forces businesses to constantly innovate and improve their offerings to meet the heightened expectations of global consumers.

Example: Amazon has set high customer service standards, including fast shipping and easy returns, compelling other retailers worldwide to elevate their customer service to remain competitive.

Larger Customer Base

Impact: Globalization opens up new markets, allowing businesses to expand their customer base beyond domestic borders.

Example: Spotify, by expanding its streaming services globally, has accessed millions of new customers, significantly increasing its subscriber base and revenue.

Economies of Scale

Impact: Operating in a global market allows businesses to increase their production volume and achieve economies of scale, reducing per-unit costs.

Example: Coca-Cola leverages its global presence to produce and distribute beverages on a massive scale, reducing costs and enhancing its competitive edge in the beverage industry.

Broader Choice of Location

Impact: Businesses can choose optimal locations for different aspects of their operations, from manufacturing to R&D and customer service, based on cost, expertise, and market proximity.

Example: Apple designs its products in the United States but manufactures most of its hardware in Asia, where production costs are lower, and supply chains are well-established.

More External Growth Opportunities

Impact: Globalization facilitates mergers, acquisitions, and partnerships across borders, offering businesses strategic opportunities for external growth.

Example: The acquisition of UK-based Jaguar Land Rover by India’s Tata Motors is an example of how globalization provides companies with opportunities to expand their global footprint through strategic acquisitions.

More Opportunities for Sources of Finance

Impact: Companies can access a wider array of financing options globally, from international banks to global capital markets, enhancing their ability to fund expansion and operations.

Example: Alibaba Group’s initial public offering (IPO) on the New York Stock Exchange allowed it to access a vast pool of international capital, funding its expansion and investment strategies.


The impact of globalization on businesses is profound and wide-ranging, offering opportunities for growth, expansion, and competitive advantage while also presenting challenges in terms of increased competition and customer expectations. The examples of Samsung, Huawei, Apple, Amazon, Spotify, Coca-Cola, and Alibaba Group illustrate how companies navigate the complexities of the global marketplace. For IB Business & Management students, analyzing these impacts and examples provides essential insights into the strategies businesses employ to thrive in the era of globalization, highlighting the importance of adaptability, innovation, and strategic planning in the global business environment.


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