Workforce Planning
Is establishing the workforce needed by the business for the foreseeable future in terms of the number and skills of employees required.
Work of the Human Resources Department
Recruitmentand selection
Wages and salaries
Redundancy (retrenchment) and dismissal
Recruitment Process
Vacancy arises
Job analysis
Job description
Job specification
Job advertised in appropriate media
Application forms and short-listing
Interviews and selection
Vacancy filled
Is when a vacancy is filled by someone who is an existing employee of the business.
Is when a vacancy is filled by someone who is not an existing employee and will be new to the business.
Contract of Employment
Name of employer and name of employee
Date when employment is to begin
Hours to be worked
Rate of pay and any other benefits such as bonus, sick pay, pension
When payment will be made
Holiday entitlement
Amount of notice to be given to terminate the employment that the employer or the employee must be given to end the employment
Contracts of Employment
Employment is often considered to be between 1 and 30-35 hours a week.
Employees will usually work 35 hours or more a week.
Business: Part-time Workers
More flexible in the hours of work
Easier to ask employees just to work at busy times
Easier to extend business opening/operating hours
Less expensive than employing/paying a full- time worker.
Less likely be trained
Takes longer to recruit two part-time workers than one full-time worker
Can be less committed to the business/more likely to leave to get another job
More difficult to communicate with part- time workers when they are not at work
Training (Management)
Greater flexibility of the labour force – multi-skilled
Greater motivation and commitment of the employees
Increased productivity
Improved quality of the output
Improved customer service
Ability to use new technology
Loss of output whilst training
May raise employee expectations of promotion
Cost of training
Employees may leave once they are trained and then another business will benefit from the training
Training (Employee)
- May get increased pay
- Improved chance of promotion
- Easier to apply for jobs at other businesses
- May be asked to undertake additional duties
- May have to work in a different way
- May be moved to a different job
Is when an employee is no longer needed and so loses their job. It is not due to any aspect of their work being unsatisfactory
Legal Controls Over Employment Issues
Protection against unfair discrimination
Health and safety at work
Protection against unfair dismissal
Wage protection; minimum wage
Legal Minimum Wage
It should prevent strong employers from exploiting unskilled workers.
It might encourage employer to train low or unskilled workers to make them more productive.
It will encourage more people to seek work.
Low-paid workers will earn more and will be able to afford to spend more.
It increases business costs and force them to increase prices.
Some employers will not be able to afford these wage rates. They may make workers redundant instead. Unemployment may rise.
Other workers receiving just above the minimum level may ask for higher wages to keep the same differential between themselves and lower paid workers.