- Measuring Centimeters with a Ruler (Roy Finney)
 - Measuring with a ruler (Adrian Chorlton) PDF
- Resources: OHP ruler PDF
Clock Scale PDF (Adrian Chorlton) - Measuring (Cathy Genovese) PDF
- Measuring in cm and mm (2 sheets) (Carol Daley) DOC
- Length Conversion (WWtbaM) (Angela Mance)
 - Measuring using cms (Vicky Frampton) DOC
- mm, cm or m? (Zoe Mayston) DOC
- Pairs (mm, cm, m) (Rachael Wilkie) DOC
- Equivalent Lengths (Rachael Wilkie) DOC
- Length Measuring Equipment (Paul Cogan) DOC
- My Measurements (David G. Lazell)
 - Scaled Measurements (Caroline McCabe)

| - cm and m (M Jacobs) PDF
- Measuring with a tape measure (Teresa Charles) PDF
- Measuring (4 Sheets) (Lynne Hardwidge) PDF
- Appropriate Units of Length (Juana Craig) DOC
- Length Units Display (Sarah Melbourne)
 - How Long is Your Step? (Saul Molina) PDF
- Made to Measure (cm/mm) (Dave Thomas) PDF
- Reading Scales (Carl Ward)
 - Scales Space Challenge (Carl Ward)
 - Reading Scales (Jennifer Craft)

 Shortest to Tallest (Faheema Seedat) DOC
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Size Ordering (Gareth Pitchford)  Caterpillar Lengths (Liz Hazelden) DOC Compare Sizes (Lisa Baker) DOC
| Pencil Lengths (Liz Hazelden) DOC Measuring in cubes & cms (Val Collier) DOC
Measuring in cms (Emily Haggath)  Measuring: Taller or Shorter than Me (Louisa Ayling) DOC Measuring: Shortest to Tallest (Louisa Ayling) DOC Measuring Lengths (NS Units) (Liz Hazelden) DOC Measuring Length (Cath Collinge) 
| Measuring: Using our bodies (Louisa Ayling) DOC Measure (Ian Mason) Sheet 1 PDF – Sheet 2 PDF – Sheet 3 PDF Length Extension Work (Goldilocks) (Ciara Burns) DOC Measuring (Distance) Display (Emma Lunt) DOC
More/Less than 10cm (Antoinette Payne) DOC Measuring Length (Charlotte Harvey) DOC Longer or Shorter than 1 metre (Paula Alty) DOC
| Measuring Pencils (Gill Hurst) DOC Measuring (and Estimating) Length (cms) (Mark Wilson) DOC Measuring and Drawing (cms) (Ashley Elks) DOC
Measuring to Nearest cms or mms (Morag Watson) 
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Finger Measuring Investigation (Diane Marshall)  Completing the Scale (Howard Seymour)  Investigating mms and cms (Sarah Terry) DOC Measure the Lines (Helen Chapman) DOC Ordering Measures (Mez Miles)   Measuring Length (cm/m) (Lydia Robards)   Choose the Correct Unit (Distance) (Paula Alty)   Measuring Length in cm and mm (Rachael Wilkie) DOC Reading (Rulers) Scales (Hazel Burt)  Measuring in cm and mm (Emma Fenn)   Measure and Draw Accurately (mm/cm) (Jim Usher)   Estimate and Measure (mm/cm) (Jim Usher) 
| Measuring Lines (Craig Stevens) PDF Converting km and m (Carrie Magee) DOC Reading Scales (Howard Seymour)  Measuring Lines (Lucy Hall) DOC Choose the Units(Hazel Burt)  Measure and Estimate 1kg (Rebecca Poole) DOC Estimate, Measure & Record (Rachael Wilkie) DOC Measuring with Accuracy (Rachael Wilkie) DOC Measures Posters (Amanda Hollis) DOC Converting mm/cm/m (Paula Alty) DOC
T2 U4 Measures (David Arthur)   Measuring (nearest half cm or mm) (Tony Chapman)  Length of Fish (Paul Cogan) DOC Measuring Lines (mixed cm/mm) (Martin Lowe) DOC Dinosaur Lengths (Katherine Dobbie)  - Joe Average (Wesley Buzza) DOC
| Equivalent Lengths (cm/m) (Rosie Morgan) DOC Converting Lengths (Daryl West) DOC Vitruvian Man (Measuring Activity) (Tom Arnold) DOC Reading Scales (Jess Fenton)  Cut and Stick Equivalent Lengths (Lisa Carr) DOC Measuring Picture (Brenda Vaughan) DOC
Travelling Distances (Claire Allen) DOC Converting Metric Length Units (Unit 1 Block D) (Lesley Richmond) DOC Holywood Heights (GP)   Convert cm to mm (Jim Usher)   Converting Measurements (Nicola Middleton) DOC Converting km to m (Vicky Perry) DOC Metric Units Jigsaw (Peter Barnett) 
| Measuring in cms and mms (Polly Marshall) PDF Converting Metric Lengths (Meryl York) DOC Reading Scales: Capacity (Cathryn Jones)  AFL Players (Renee Casalis)  Gone to the Dogs! (Renee Casalis)   Converting mm – cm – m (Sarah Melbourne)   Converting Lengths cm/m (Pete Bailey) 
Length Conversions (Sarah Addicott) 
| Converting m and cm (Lisa Newman) 