HomeMathPrimary Resources: Maths: Measures, Shape & Space: 2-D and 3-D ShapeMathWorksheets Primary Resources: Maths: Measures, Shape & Space: 2-D and 3-D Shape 4 months ago13 mins124 Views0 Comments Primary Resources- Maths- Measures, Shape & Space- 2-D and 3-D Shape 2-D Shapes:Simple Shape Sort (Gareth Pitchford) Shape Sort (Julie Pout) Shape Counters (Gareth Pitchford) 2D Shapes (Philip Martin) Class Quiz: 2D Shapes (Lynne Outhwaite) Types of Triangles (James Starbuck) Tangrams (Dot Hullah) Quadrilaterals (Steve Peters) Squaring Off (Kim Pitchford) Pentagons & Hexagons (David Robinson) Heptagons & Octagons (David Robinson) Basic 2D Shapes (Christine Perry) T1 U4: Reasoning about Shape (David Arthur) Isosceles Triangles D (Ann D’Arcy) Advanced 2D Shape Work (Louise Whitby) Types of Lines (Adam Wenlock) Drawing Shapes (Cindy Hoy) Matching and Making Shapes (Cindy Hoy) Shape (Unit B1) (Callie Hewitt) 2D Shape Recognition (Natasha Teall) 2D Shape Muddle (Natasha Teall) Parts of a Circle (Tania Nelson) Shape Reasoning 1 (Chris Nelson) Shape Reasoning 2 (Chris Nelson) Shape Target Board (Liz Greenwood) PDF 2D Shape Target Board (Tracey Whitcher) PDFShapes (2D) (Mark Laird) PDFShape: Colour by Name 1 (Sheena Florey) PDFShape: Colour by Name 2 (Sheena Florey) PDFShape: Colour by Name 3 (Sheena Florey) PDFShape: Colour by Properties (Sheena Florey) PDF2D shape display material (M Walsh) PDFHexagons & Pentagons (Rachael Ballard) PDFShape Vocabulary (Steve Edge) PDF2D Shapes (Ian Mason) Sheet 1 PDF – Sheet 2 PDFQuadrilateral Sorting (Simon Daw) PDF – LA PDF2D Shape Properties (Liz Hazelden) DOC Shape Colouring (Norma Tregoning) DOC Shape Vocabulary (Caroline Shacklady) DOC Diagonals of a Polygon (Edward Bailey) PDF Draw Shapes (Kim Melvill-Smith) DOC 2D Shapes Quizzes (Peter Barnett) PDFA4 Basic 2D Shapes (Janine Wilson) DOC – simple DOCParallel and Perpendicular Lines (Jim Usher) DOCLines in 2D Shapes (Jim Usher) DOC 2D Shape Lessons (Julie McAllister) DOC2D/3D Shapes Words Display (Gail Finlay) DOC 2D Shapes Dominoes (Ben Hookes) 16 Peg Pegboard Templates (Valerie Wilkinson) DOC Sorting Hexagons and Pentagons (Claire Sanders) DOC Diagonals of Quadrilaterals (Meryl York) DOC Find the Rectangles & Triangles (Claire Richmond) DOC 2D Shape Pairs (Becky Smith) DOC Quadrilaterals Revision Sheet (M. Ferguson) DOCShape Exploration Sheet (Robert Bentall) Shapes Bingo Game (Laura Martin) DOC2D Shapes Jigsaw (Peter Barnett) 2D Shapes Dominoes (Lynn Taylor) 2D Shapes Missing Angles (Sarah Bracken) 2D Shapes Properties Questions (Anna Jacobs) DOC2D Shape Taboo Game (Chelsey Wilson) Shape Prefixes (Lisa Baker) DOCShape Sorter (Jo Kaye) Shapes (Debby Michael) 2D Shapes (Claire Mackay) Shape Reveal (Gareth Pitchford) 2D Shape Show (Sonja Weed) Shape & Space (T2 Unit 5a) (Fred Daynes) 2D Shapes (Hazel Jones) 2D Shapes Revision & Diagonals (Taras Kaminskyj) Line Basics (Jacky Quinn) Classifying Polygons (Alice Jones) Triangles (Louise Whitby) Name and Describe 2D Shapes (Cindy Hoy) What 2D Shape am I? (Sara Louise Zborowski) Types of Triangles (Sara Louise Zborowski) The Shape Show (Sian Wiley) 2D Shapes (Karen Cook) Polyominoes (Suzanne Coxon) Guess the Shape with Daisy Bear (Laura Martin) Shape Revealer (Dawn Ellis) Match Shapes 1 (Sheena Florey) PDFMatch Shapes 2 (Sheena Florey) PDFShapes Pattern (Sheila Black) PDFShape Sorting Tree (Joy Clark) PDFShape Decision Tree (Paul Armitstead) PDFShape ChallengeBinary Key (Arthur Daley) PDF2D Shape Key (Arthur Daley) PDF Shape Sheets (Clare Withey) PDFs – Sheet 1 – Sheet 2 – Sheet 3 – Sheet 4 – Sheet 5 – Sheet 6Looking at (2D) shapes (Ian Mason) PDFTriangle Information Sheet (Gareth Rein) DOC2D Shape Mix Up (Hannah Blackledge) DOC Shape Wanted (Antoinette Payne) DOCProperties of 2D Shapes (Vicky Frampton) DOC Make the Shape (Richard Tunnadine) DOC Types of Triangles (Edward Bailey) DOC Shapes in the Classroom (Rhian Thomas) DOC Shape Vocab Display (Kathryn Cox) DOC 2D Shape Display (Lisa Chaffer) DOC Shape Assessment ( Level C) (Jacqui Joyce) DOCStraight & Curved Sides (Venn Diagram) (Juana Craig) DOCTriangle Pictures (Rachael Wilkie) DOC2D Simple Shape Names (Andrew Woodcock) XLS Geometry ( Level 3) (Chris Moriarty) DOCShape Vocab Flashcards (Jayne Plant) DOC2D Shapes to Cut Out (Sarah Hambley) DOC Shape Sequences (Charlotte Francis) PDF Class 2D Shape Sort (A. Vohora) DOCHexominoes (Lesley Ingham) DOC 2D Shapes Key (Peter Barnett) PDFChanging Shapes (Laura Roberts) DOC 2D Shapes Sheets (Morag Watson) Sorting Triangles (Leanne Huntley) 2D Shape Pelmanism (Rosie Wedderburn) DOC Shapes Fan (Laura Martin) DOC 2D Shape Matching Cards (Charlotte Harvey) DOC Shape Wanted Poster (Charlotte Harvey) DOCShape Teaching Progression (Tom McNeil) DOC 2D Shapes Match (Carly Peart) DOC 2D Shapes Human Treasure Hunt (Nicola Rosemergy) 3-D Shapes:3D Shapes (Claire Mackay) 3D Shapes (Anita Sharif) 2D and 3D Shapes (Malcolm Swannell) Properties of 2D and 3D Shapes (L Stonier) Visualising Nets (Louise Whitby) Visualising 3D Shapes (Natasha Outhwaite) 3D Shapes Addition (Howard Seymour) Everyday Objects as 3D Shapes (Therese Ganser)) Cube Net (Nadine Turner) PDFPrism Net (Nadine Turner) PDF3d Shapes Names sheet (Gill O’Neill) PDFCan you make a cube from these nets? (Rob Clarke) PDF3D Shape Properties (Liz Hazelden) DOCProperties of 3D Shapes (Vicky Frampton) DOC 3D Shapes Quizzes (Peter Barnett) PDF Investigating Nets for a Cube (Owen Brown) DOC Pyramid Nets (Danny Ralph) DOC 3D Shapes Sorting Key (Peter Barnett) PDF 3D Shapes Grid (Charlotte Harvey) DOC Ordering 3D Shapes (Charlotte Harvey) DOC 3D Shape Bingo (Janet Martin) 3D Shapes Properties Posters (Rachel Henderson) DOC3D Shapes Nets Drawing Cubes on Isometric Paper (Theo Farrer) 2D & 3D Shape Assessment (Lisa Baker) DOC3-D Shapes (Gareth Pitchford) Unit 4: Shape & Space (Dot Hullah) Shape & Space (T2 Unit 5a) (Fred Daynes) Shape Detectives (Vicky Dowding) 3D Shapes (Rehema Munting) Properties of 3D Shapes (Georgina Zacharias) Identifying the Nets of 3D Shapes (Jo Jones) Cuboid Net (Nadine Turner) PDFPyramid Net (Nadine Turner) PDF3D Shapes (Anne Leonard) Matching Nets to Shapes (Steve Birchall) DOC 2D & 3D Shape Property Match (Rachael Wilkie) DOC 3D Blocks (Georgina Burtenshaw) 3D Shape Properties (Vicky Chanin) Prisms (Danny Ralph) DOC Cube Nets (Danny Ralph) DOC2D & 3D Shapes Word Mats (Laura Roberts) DOC 3D Shapes Properties (Charlotte Harvey) DOC Match 3D Shapes to Nets (Jenny Synnott) Describing 3D Shapes (Emily Murton) 3D Shapes Match (Carly Peart) DOCShapes Jigsaw (Lorraine Bastone) 3D Shapes (Venn Diagram) Sorting (Laura Coady) Tags:freeideaslessonliteracynumeracyplansprimaryresourcesteachingworksheets Shares: Previous PostAP PreCalc – Pre-CalculusNext PostPrimary Resources: Maths: Measures, Shape & Space: Measures Related Posts Worksheets Primary Resources: Maths: Calculations: Multiplication & Division 1znmx3 months ago Worksheets Primary Resources: Using a Calculator & BODMAS 1znmx3 months ago Worksheets Primary Resources: Maths: Solving Problems: Investigations & Puzzles 1znmx3 months ago Math Primary Resources: Maths: Calculations: Addition and Subtraction 1znmx4 months ago Worksheets Primary Resources: Maths: Solving Problems: Word and Real Life Problems 1znmx3 months ago Leave a Reply Cancel replyYour email address will not be published. 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