Business & ManagementIB

Entrepreneurship vs. intrapreneurship

Entrepreneurship vs. intrapreneurship.....Entrepreneur an individual who plans, organises and manages.....
Entrepreneurship vs. intrapreneurship

Entrepreneur an individual who plans, organises and manages a business, taking on financial risks in doing so.

Intrapreneur the act of being an entrepreneur but as an employee within a large organisation.

  • Owners/operators.
  • Takes substantial risks.
  • Rewarded with profit.
  • Failure incurs personal costs.
  • Visionary.
  • Responsibility for the workforce.
  • Employees of the organisation.
  • Takes medium- high risks.
  • Rewarded with pay.
  • Failure absorbed by the organisation.
  • Innovative.
  • Accountable to the owner.

Understanding the distinction between entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship is pivotal for IB Business & Management students, as it sheds light on different pathways of innovation and business development within the economic landscape. Entrepreneurship involves individuals creating and managing businesses with the aim of profit and growth, taking on considerable risks. In contrast, intrapreneurship refers to employees within large organizations who drive innovation and business development projects, sharing risks and rewards with their employers. This analysis delves into the nuances of both concepts, emphasizing their roles, risks, rewards, and responsibilities with industry examples.


Definition: Entrepreneurship is the process by which individuals identify business opportunities, allocate resources, and create value by establishing and managing a business. Entrepreneurs are the owners/operators who take substantial financial risks in the hope of profit.

Characteristics and Examples:

  • Risk and Reward: Entrepreneurs take on significant financial risks, investing capital into their ventures with the hope of substantial rewards in the form of profits. For instance, Elon Musk invested his personal fortune into Tesla and SpaceX, facing the potential for personal financial loss in pursuit of innovation and market disruption.
  • Visionary Leadership: Entrepreneurs are often visionaries, identifying market gaps and creating new products or services. Steve Jobs exemplified this by revolutionizing several industries, from computing (Macintosh) to music (iPod), and mobile phones (iPhone).
  • Responsibility: Entrepreneurs bear the responsibility for their workforce, making decisions that impact employment and company culture. Howard Schultz’s leadership of Starbucks extends beyond coffee; it involves creating a company culture and community involvement.


Definition: Intrapreneurship involves the act of behaving like an entrepreneur while working within a large organization. Intrapreneurs drive innovation and business development projects, enjoying the security and resources of the larger corporate structure.

Characteristics and Examples:

  • Shared Risks and Rewards: Intrapreneurs take medium to high risks, but the financial risk is supported by the organization. They are rewarded through salary, bonuses, and sometimes recognition rather than direct profits. An example is Paul Buchheit, who developed Gmail while at Google, leveraging the company’s resources without bearing the direct financial risk of a startup.
  • Innovation within Constraints: Intrapreneurs operate within the framework of their organization, focusing on innovation and development. Ken Kutaragi, a Sony employee, developed the PlayStation, demonstrating how intrapreneurs can drive significant new business ventures within existing companies.
  • Accountability: While not bearing the full brunt of failure as an entrepreneur might, intrapreneurs are accountable to their employers and must align their projects with company goals. Satya Nadella’s early initiatives within Microsoft to develop cloud computing services illustrate how intrapreneurial projects align with and support broader company objectives.


Both entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship play critical roles in driving innovation, economic growth, and business development. While entrepreneurs embark on ventures with full responsibility and risk, intrapreneurs leverage the resources and structure of existing organizations to innovate from within. The examples of Elon Musk, Steve Jobs, Paul Buchheit, Ken Kutaragi, and Satya Nadella underscore the diverse paths through which new ideas and businesses can emerge and flourish. For IB Business & Management students, understanding these concepts is essential for navigating the modern business environment, whether they aspire to launch their own startups or drive change within established organizations.


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