Biology Calculator

Dog Raisin Toxicity Calculator


IMPORTANT: It is best to avoid feeding your dog any amount of raisins. Even small amounts can be toxic to some dogs. If your dog has consumed raisins, contact your veterinarian immediately.

Why are raisins poisonous to dogs?

The exact toxic agent in raisins that causes kidney damage and other health complications in dogs is not definitively known. However, several potential causes have been identified:

  • Mycotoxin - Toxic compounds produced by fungus or mold that can contaminate raisins and cause mycotoxin intoxication, which could be fatal if not addressed immediately.
  • Salicylate - A natural aspirin-like chemical found in grapes that may decrease blood flow to the kidneys, potentially causing hypertension and renal damage.
  • Metabolic disruption - Dogs metabolize food differently than humans, and compounds in raisins may cause harmful metabolic reactions in canines.
  • Tartaric acid and potassium bitartrate - These chemical components found in high concentrations in grapes have been linked to vomiting and renal failure in dogs.

Raisin weight reference

A raisin can weigh anywhere from 0.5 to 1.5 grams, depending on the type and size:

  • Small raisins: ~0.5 g each
  • Standard raisins: ~1 g each
  • Jumbo raisins: ~1.5 g each
  • One ounce (28.34 g): Contains approximately 28 standard raisins

Remember that any amount of raisins can be dangerous to dogs.
When in doubt, always consult your veterinarian.

Our dog raisin toxicity calculator will help you to check whether the amount of raisins your dog ate is toxic for it and therefore requires immediate medical attention. 🐶🏥

If your four-legged best friend keeps stealing raisins from your charcuterie board, come along — we will be addressing all your worries and concerns.

Some of the important questions you will get answers to are: if dogs can eat raisins, how many raisins can a dog eat, how many raisins are in an ounce, why are raisins toxic to dogs, what are the symptoms of raisin poisoning, and most importantly, what to do if you spot your dog displaying signs of raisin poisoning. 🆘

How many raisins are toxic to dogs? Dog raisin toxicity calculation

Before answering this question, we have to mention that it is best to avoid feeding your dog any amount of raisins.

The lowest reported raisin toxicity case accompanied by acute kidney injury is 2.8 g/kg. A raisin can weigh anywhere from 0.5 to 1.5 grams, depending on the type and size (small, standard, jumbo); therefore, if your lovely 2-kilogram chihuahua sneakily ate six standard-size raisins, you may need to urgently use emergency veterinarian services 🏥 .

If you’re still unsure and wondering how many raisins are in an ounce, look no further.

An ounce weighs around 28.34 grams; therefore, there are roughly 28 raisins in an ounce (assuming that the standard, average raisin weighs 1 g); however, keep in mind that raisins come in different shapes and sizes. 😉 To stay safe, it is best to use our dog raisin toxicity calculator.

Why are raisins poisonous?

Now that you know how many raisins are toxic to dogs, let’s talk about why raisins can be harmful to our beloved four-legged friends. Unfortunately, we do not have a definite answer as to which toxic agent causes kidney damage and other health complications. However, some potential causes have been identified:

  • Mycotoxin is a toxic compound that is produced by fungus or mold. Mycotoxins often colonize crops and infect the food we and our pets eat. If your dog eats raisins contaminated with mycotoxins, it can get mycotoxin intoxication, which could be fatal in severe cases if not addressed immediately.

  • Salicylate is a natural aspirin-like chemical that can be found in grapes 🍇. Salicylate is thought to decrease blood flow to the kidneys, which may cause hypertension (high blood pressure) and potential renal damage (kidney damage).

  • Metabolic disruption is another potential explanation as to why raisins are dangerous for dog consumption. In general, we should always keep in mind that dogs and humans metabolize food differently, and some compounds, such as chocolate, grapes, and raisins, should be taken out of your doggo’s menu 🍽️. If your dog still managed to steal one of the named compounds, for instance, chocolate, check RivisionTown dog chocolate toxicity calculator to see whether the amount of chocolate devoured by your dog can be dangerous for it.

  • Tartaric acid and potassium bitartrate — this chemical component and its potassium salt, commonly known as cream of tartar, were recently discovered as potential toxic components in raisins. Three veterinarians decided to send a letter to the Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Associations. They described their observations about homemade playdough and raisins: both made dogs ill, causing vomiting and renal failure. The authors connected the dots and found a possible culprit: tartaric acid and potassium bitartrate are present in high concentrations in grapes, and cream of tartar is also used in playdough recipes.

💡 We established that raisins are toxic for dogs, but do you have an appropriate nutrition plan for your furry friend? Check RivisionTown’s dog calorie calculator and dog food calculator to make sure your pet is on a healthy diet.

What are the symptoms of raisin poisoning?

The most common symptoms that dogs develop after consuming raisins are vomiting and diarrhea. The symptoms usually appear within 6–12 hours and could be accompanied by:

  • Lethargy;
  • Weakness;
  • Abdominal pain;
  • Dehydration;
  • Polydipsia (excessive thirst); and
  • Anorexia (decreased appetite).

Within 24-72 hours, kidney failure is likely, which, unfortunately, is fatal in most dogs.

An image of a dog

What to do if your dog displays symptoms of raisin poisoning

If your dog is displaying symptoms of raisin toxicity and the RivisionTown dog raisin toxicity calculator indicates that your dog devoured a toxic amount of raisins, it is time to act! 🆘 It is best to immediately take your pup to a veterinarian for decontamination 👨‍⚕️. To avoid severe kidney damage, it is crucial to block the process of toxin absorption as soon as possible. Depending on how much your dog’s kidneys have been affected, your veterinarian may follow the treatment with IV fluids and further medication.

We hope next time your dog looks at your trail mix with puppy eyes 👀, you won’t have to ask yourself — “can dogs eat raisins?” 🤔


Can dogs eat raisins?

Avoid feeding raisins to dogs because they can be potentially harmful for them as raisins contain salicylate and other minerals dangerous for dogs, which can cause serious health complications.

Why are raisins toxic to dogs?

There are certain minerals and some fungi produced in grapes and raisins that are harmful to our precious pets — causing harm to their kidneys and blood flow.

These substances include:

  • Mycotoxin;
  • Salicylate;
  • Tartaric Acid; and
  • Potassium Bitartrate.

Furthermore, dogs metabolize food differently than us, which is why foods like chocolate, grapes, and raisins can be harmful to them.

How many raisins can dogs eat?

It’s best to avoid giving your dog raisins. However, if your furry friend accidentally consumes them, follow these steps to determine the toxicity limit:

  1. Note down your dog’s weight in kg. If you use pounds, then convert it to kilograms by dividing the weight in lbs by 2.205.
  2. Multiply the weight in kg by 2.8.
  3. The result is the toxicity limit in grams.

In case your dog shows symptoms of toxicity, seek immediate veterinary consultation.

How many raisins can I give my 28 lbs dog?

Not more than 35.6g, but it’s best to avoid giving raisins to dogs in the first place.

You can determine the toxicity limit using the formula:

Toxicity limit grams = dog weight kg × 2.8

But first, convert your dog’s weight from lbs to kg.

28 lbs / 2.205 = 12.7 kg

Toxicity limit = 12.7 × 2.8

Toxicity limit = 35.56

Toxicity limit = 35.6 grams

Remember, it’s safest to refrain from raisins, but if consumption occurs, consult a vet promptly.


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