Differences between Developing and Developed Countries

There is a big difference between Developed Countries and Developing Countries as the developed countries are self-contained flourished while the developing countries are emerging as a developed country. Developing Countries are the one which experience the phase of development for.....
Differences between Developing and Developed Countries
Developed Countries Developing countries
GDP Per Capita
  • Income from production of high value goods + services
  • Highly skilled labour force
  • Capital intensive production methods
  • Income predominantly from agricultural goods
  • Prices of agricultural goods tend to be low so generates low income Oil v Wheat?
  • Protection policies such as tariffs imposed on agricultural goods by some countries
  • This reduces export revenue for developing countries
GDP Per Capita Impact on Economic Performance
  • Good level of income allows for development in services and infrastructure and in improving education and productivity
  • Poorer countries struggle to earn income they need to improve economic development
  • They may be forced to borrow money from abroad to invest in their economies resulting in increased foreign debt (interest payments)
Distribution of Income and Wealth
  • Efficient progressive tax systems in place
  • Provide welfare benefits to the poor
  • Have larger informal (Black Market) economies, making tax collection difficult
  • Therefore have less revenue to spend on welfare and public services like education, healthcare so the cycle continues
  • More likely to suffer from corruption
Distribution of Income and Wealth Impact on economic Performance
  • Absolute poverty largely eradicated from developed countries (but relative poverty still a concern)
  • More people living in absolute poverty
  • Higher productivity level due to a skilled labour force and investment in modern technology
  • More unskilled labour due to poor education system and limited training opportunities
  • Do not have the money to invest in capital equipment and machinery will lead to lower productivity
Productivity Impact on economic Performance
  • Economic growth more likely as productivity and output should improve year on year so revenue should improve too
  • Relatively unskilled leads to fewer products and services produced and lower income as a result
  • Less revenue available to invest in improving their economies
Population growth
  • Slow population growth rates due to women choosing careers, marrying later, having fewer children
  • High cost of raising children another factor for lower birth rates
  • Rapidly growing population due to high birth rates (poorest regions in Africa have 2.7% rith rate compared to 0.4% in EU)
Population growth
Impact on Economic Performance
  • May need to plan for a ageing population e.g. Japan, china
  • Rapid birth rates put strain on resources
  • Absolute poverty may rise as population grows
  • Tend to have larger dependent populations putting on pressure on the working population e.g. 51% of Niger’s population aged under 14
Size of Primary, secondary, tertiary Sector
  • Mainly have jobs in the tertiary sector which requires a higher level of education and skill
  • High proportion of workers in primary sector
Size of Primary, secondary, tertiary Sector – Impact on Economic development
  • Farming tends to be capital intensive cheaper to produce and output more productive
  • Farming tends to be labour intensive so workers more unskilled so receive low wages and risk of drought and crop failure
Saving and Investment
  • Higher income enable them to save and invest more in capital equipment and development of new technology to increase productivity and expand output
  • Lower revenues results in less opportunity to save and invest so productivity unlikely to improve
Saving and Investment
Impact on economic Development
  • Money makes money
  • Trapped in poverty cycle
  • Have to borrow to invest leads to high levels of debt
  • Interest rates tend to be high
  • High quality school education accessible for all, many go on to university results in ever improving skilled workforce
  • Lack income to invest in education as a result skills level and productivity of the labour force likely to be low
  • Poor education makes it difficult to raise themselves out of poverty
Impact on economic Development
  • Higher economic growth and improving productivity
  • Without education many trapped in inter generational poverty (People born into poverty likely to be trapped in poverty due to low education)
  • Results in low economic growth and productivity
  • Higher standard of medical care accessible to all
  • Better access to healthier foods, clean water
  • May lack access to basic medical care such as vaccinations to prevent disease
  • Safe water and sanitation may not be accessible increase spread of life threatening disease
Healthcare Impact on Economic development
  • Life expectancy higher many of which have an ageing population, as a result higher taxes may be in place to fund pensions and health services
  • Number of elderly people living in relative poverty may rise
  • Life expectancy lower and poor health will reduce productive capacity. Swaziland 49 Japan 84
  • More money to invest in roads, communications, housing, transport links
  • Lack funds to invest in infrastructure which results in poor roads and unreliable power supply
Impact on economic development
  • Attracts investment from Private business and FDI (Foreign Direct Investment)
  • Poor infrastructure reduces productive capacity and discourages investment

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