Sheep Gestation Calculator I want to calculate: Lambing Date Mating Date Mating Date: Lambing Date: Sheep Breed: Standard Breed Merino Suffolk Dorper Calculate Sheep Gestation Information: Average gestation: 147 days
Swine Gestation Calculator I want to calculate: Farrowing Date Breeding Date Breeding Date: Farrowing Date: Pig Breed: Standard Domestic Breed Miniature Breed Sow Parity: First Litter (Gilt) Multiple Litters Calculate
Guinea Pig Pregnancy Calculator I want to calculate: Due Date Breeding Date Breeding Date: Due Date: Mother's Age: Young (3-10 months) Mature (10 months - 4 years) Older (4+ years)
Goat Gestation Calculator Goat Breed: Standard Breed Miniature Breed Breeding Date: Doe Parity: First Kidding Experienced Doe Calculate Kidding Date Goat Gestation Information: Standard breeds: ~150 days (range 145-155 days)
Dog Pregnancy Calculator Mating Date: Dog Size: Average Small Breed Large Breed Calculate Due Date Dog Pregnancy Information: Average gestation: 63 days (approximately 9 weeks) Range: 58-68 days depending on
Cow Gestation Calculator Date Exposed to Bull: First-calver? No Yes Cow Size: Average Larger/Older Smaller/Younger Calculate Calving Dates Cow Gestation Information: Average gestation: 283 days (range 279-287 days) Larger/older cows:
Cat Pregnancy Calculator Mating Date: Calculate Due Date Note: A cat's pregnancy typically lasts about 63 days, but can range from 58-71 days. Always consult with a veterinarian for proper
Slope i ⋯ Amplification factor i ⋯ qPCR efficiency i ⋯ % Interpretation Calculate Reload About qPCR Efficiency The qPCR efficiency calculator uses the slope of the standard curve to
A - Dominant allele a - Recessive allele Mother's genotype ⋯ AA Aa aa Father's genotype ⋯ AA Aa aa Chance for AA ⋯ 100 % Chance for Aa ⋯
Frequency of the disease in the population Given in: Proportion Percentage Occurrence of the disease: ⓘ in Allele frequency Healthy allele frequency (p): ⓘ Mutant allele frequency (q): ⓘ Genotype
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