Slope i ⋯ Amplification factor i ⋯ qPCR efficiency i ⋯ % Interpretation Calculate Reload About qPCR Efficiency The qPCR efficiency calculator uses the slope of the standard curve to
A - Dominant allele a - Recessive allele Mother's genotype ⋯ AA Aa aa Father's genotype ⋯ AA Aa aa Chance for AA ⋯ 100 % Chance for Aa ⋯
Frequency of the disease in the population Given in: Proportion Percentage Occurrence of the disease: ⓘ in Allele frequency Healthy allele frequency (p): ⓘ Mutant allele frequency (q): ⓘ Genotype
Protein ⋯ IgG - Immunoglobin G BSA - Bovine Serum Albumin Lysozyme Insulin RNAse A Streptavidin APC - Allophycocyanin PE - Phycoerythrin ATP Aldose Custom Protein ▼ Extinction coefficient ⓘ
Initial reference parameter ⓘ ⋯ Final reference parameter ⋯ Time duration ⋯ hrs min days ▼ Growth rate ⋯ / hr / min / day ▼ Doubling time ⋯ hrs
Initial CFU amount ⓘ ⋯ ×10⁷ ×10⁶ ×10⁵ ×10⁴ ×10³ ×10² ×10¹ ×10⁰ ▼ CFU Final CFU amount ⓘ ⋯ ×10⁵ ×10⁷ ×10⁶ ×10⁴ ×10³ ×10² ×10¹ ×10⁰ ▼ CFU
Initial concentration ⋯ cells / ml cells / μl cells / L ▼ Volume for suspension ⋯ ml μl L ▼ Final concentration ⋯ cells / ml cells / μl
Insert length ⋯ kb bp ▼ Vector length ⋯ kb bp ▼ Vector mass ⋯ ng μg ▼ Insert / vector ratio ⓘ ⋯ 3:1 1:1 5:1 10:1 ▼ Insert
Initial number of bacteria — N(0) ⋯ Final number of bacteria — N(t) ⋯ Elapsed time ⋯ hrs min days ▼ Growth rate (r) ⋯ Doubling time (Td) ⋯ hrs
Sample type ⋮ Single-stranded DNA Double-stranded DNA RNA Custom oligonucleotide Conversion factor ⋮ 33 μg/mL Absorbance at λmax ⓘ ⋮ Pathlength ⓘ ⋮ cm mm ▼ Dilution factor ⓘ ⋮
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