Cambridge IGCSECambridge International O Levels

Geography Resources

This website offers a variety of resources for both teachers and students, including case studies, revision materials, and interactive content. It’s a great place to find detailed information on various geography topics......
Geography Resources

Staying safe near coast

  • Stay in designated area (1)
  • Keep away from base of cliff / overhang (1)
  • Avoid slippery rocks / slippery wood (1)
  • Work in pairs / groups (1)
  • Wear sensible shoes / waterproofs (1)
  • Use phone / whistle in emergency (1)
  • Don’t go in the sea (1)
  • Arrange meeting points / agree time to meet (1)
  • Tell teacher / adult where you are going (1)

Why size of pebble varies

  • More powerful swash / strong waves / big waves / storm waves take all sizes of material up the beach (1)
  • Less powerful backwash/ water going back carries smaller material down the beach (1)
  • Erosion more rapid close to the sea where more frequent water movement (1)
  • Rock falls from cliff provide larger material at back of beach (1)

How to find wind direction

  • Wind sock / streamer / material held up / throw grass into the air / wet finger / / observe features blown by wind (1)
  • Use compass to see direction wind is blowing (1)

Find beach profile using two ranging poles + clinometers + tape measure

  • Put tape measure out along transect line / to create a transect line (1)
  • Put one pole at edge of sea / back of beach / start of profile(1)
  • Put poles at equal distance OR put ranging poles at breaks of slope (1)
  • Ensure poles are vertical (1)
  • Measure with tape measure 5–10 m if using equal distance (1)
  • Measure with tape measure distance between ranging poles if using break of slope (1)
  • Rest poles on surface / equal depth into sand / equal height above sand (1)
  • Student holds clinometer next to top / at agreed height on ranging pole / at eye level (1)
  • Sight other ranging pole at top / same height (1)
  • Read angle / measure angle / record angle (1) NOT gradient
  • Move poles along beach / along profile to next site (1)
  • Repeat measurements until the profile is finished (1)

Clinometer operation

  • Student holds clinometer next to top / at agreed height on ranging pole / at eye level
  • Sight other ranging pole at top / same height
  • Read angle / measure angle / record angle

How people walking affects infiltration

  • People compress / compact the ground / ground hardens
  • Water cannot soak into the ground as quickly / less gaps in soil
  • Lowers infiltration rate / slows down infiltration / harder to infiltrate
  • Impermeable footpaths may be built for tourists reducing infiltration

Equipment in slope measurement

Ranging poles:

  • Poles between two breaks of slope (1)
  • Ensure they are vertical (1)
  • Must rest on surface, (1)

Tape measure:

  • Lay it out between the two poles (1)
  • Measure the distance between poles (1)


  • Hold clinometer next to top on a ranging pole / at eye level (1)
  • Sight other ranging pole at top (1)
  • Allow clinometer to adjust to angle (1)
  • Read off / measure angle (1)
  • Reserve 1 mark for use of each piece of equipment

How to improve

  • Another student checks measurements (1)
  • Take more measurements / more sites / intervals and average results (1)
  • Measure along more than one dune profile/another part of beach (1)

Protect dunes

Method 1

The sign/keep off the dunes – should prevent people trampling/walking over them (1)

Method 2

The footpath / boardwalk / bridge allows people to cross dunes / not walking on them (1)

Method 3

Planting grass / plants / vegetation to help stabilise dunes / stops erosion (1)

Method 4

Walkway / fencing keeps people off the dunes / stops walking on dunes (1)


Making river width measurement reliable

  • check measurement by repeating process and take average;
  • another student/pair checks the measurement;
  • make sure the tape is taut/stretched out/tight/flexed;
  • make sure the tape is at right angles/straight across the river.

Velocity of river with float method

  • put poles/sticks/rods at fixed distance/>5 up to 10 metres along river/at start and end of fixed distance;
  • use tape measure to measure a fixed distance/10 metres;
  • put orange in river at start of measured distance;
  • start stopwatch/timer/watch when orange/ball is put in river/
  • stopwatch/timer/watch measures time it takes to travel the measured distance/
  • stop stopwatch/timer/watch when orange reaches end of measured distance.


Why area of river cross section may affect river velocity

  • large area so less water is in contact with sides/bed of channel so there is less friction to slow river down; (1)
  • small area so more water is in contact with sides/bed of channel so more friction/rocks slow water down. (1)

Note: Seneca is great too for IGCSE Geography.


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