Business & ManagementIB

Management vs. leadership

Management vs. leadership...Leadership involves influencing, motivating, and enabling others toward a common goal. Management focuses on executing functions, controlling day-to-day operations, and achieving specific objectives...
Management vs. leadership
Management Leadership
Time and devotion ✔ Management is more 9−5. ✔ 24 hours a day.
✔ Handles strategic decisions.
Roles and responsibility ✔ Administer day to day operations.
✔ Deal with how and when.
✔ Accountable for more.
✔ More innovative.
✔ Deal with what and why.
Influence on others ✔ Adhered to due to power.
✔ Focus on tasks.
✔ Inspire and motivate by example.
✔ Focus on people.
Risk taking ✔ Follow predetermined rules.
✔ Tackles tasks by abiding by policies.
✔ More radical.
✔ Take risks to move the organisation forward.
Vision ✔ Deal with stable environments. ✔ Create a culture of hope.
✔ Shine during times of change.

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