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Industrial/employee relation methods used by employers

Industrial/employee relation methods used by employers...Lock-outs: this involves employers closing the factory for a period of time. Employees’ wages may not be paid...
Industrial/employee relation methods used by employers

Lock-outs: this involves employers closing the factory for a period of time. Employees’ wages may not be paid during this period. This action might adversely affect the public image of the company.

Dismissal: in some cases, employers might threaten employees with dismissal. Each country usually has laws that set out the criteria under which it is unfair to dismiss employees for taking industrial action.

Changes of contract: If possible, contracts can be changed, and those who disagree with the new terms are denied the opportunity to prolong their employment. This may be seen as coercion.

Closure: In response to strike actions, managers can close the business. This is extreme, but necessary when other approaches have been exhausted.


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