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Industrial/employee relation methods used by employees

Industrial/employee relation methods used by employees...Collective bargaining: the term collective bargaining is used to describe the negotiation process between the...
Industrial/employee relation methods used by employees

Collective bargaining: the term collective bargaining is used to describe the negotiation process between the employer and employee representatives on the terms and conditions of employment in a particular business.

Work to rule: this occurs when workers do not carry out any duties that are not in their employment contract. In other words, the staff only carries out tasks explicitly stated in their contract, which results in the tasks not being carried out efficiently.

Go slow: this approach involves workers deliberately slowing down production while still working within the terms of their contract.

Overtime ban: this ban limits workers’ hours to the agreed contract of employment for normal hours. It is usually used by employee representatives to demonstrate to management that the workforce is determined to take further collective action, such as strikes, if their demands are not met.

Strike action: this is the ultimate sanction used by the workforce, involving a stoppage in the production process, which can prove disastrous for a business.

Walkout: a type of strike action where employees collectively or independently leave the workplace as a disapproval to something.


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