Business & ManagementIB

Factors to consider when starting up a business

Business idea...source of finance.....Human Resources....Enterprise....
Factors to consider when starting up a business
  • Business idea.
  • Sources of finance.
  • Human resources: who will you hire, will they need training, etc.
  • Enterprise: who will lead, organise and manage the business.
  • Fixed assets: land and machinery needed.
  • Suppliers.
  • Customers.
  • Marketing.
  • Legal issues: do you have all of the patents, legislations, and documentation needed.

Starting a business is a complex endeavor that requires careful planning and consideration of numerous factors to ensure its success and sustainability. Entrepreneurs must evaluate their business idea, financial resources, human capital, management capacity, physical assets, supply chain, market dynamics, and legal requirements, among other things. This multifaceted approach is crucial for IB Business & Management students to understand, as it provides a comprehensive framework for analyzing the feasibility and potential of a new business venture. This analysis delves into each of these factors, using industry examples to illustrate their importance and impact on business startups.

Business Idea

The foundation of any startup is a viable business idea that addresses a specific market need or problem. The idea should offer a unique value proposition and have the potential for profitability.

Example: Airbnb’s business idea was based on the concept of allowing people to rent out their spare rooms to travelers, addressing the need for affordable, homely accommodation. This idea capitalized on the sharing economy trend.

Sources of Finance

Securing adequate funding is critical to cover startup costs, operations, and growth initiatives. Entrepreneurs must explore various sources, including personal savings, loans, venture capital, and crowdfunding.

Example: Many tech startups, such as Uber, initially rely on venture capital funding to finance their rapid growth and market expansion strategies.

Human Resources

The success of a startup heavily depends on its team. Considerations include who to hire, the skills required, training needs, and the organizational structure.

Example: Google places a strong emphasis on hiring innovative and creative employees, providing extensive training and development programs to maintain its competitive edge in the tech industry.


Leadership and management are crucial for directing the business towards its goals. Entrepreneurs must possess or develop skills in leadership, organization, and strategic management.

Example: Elon Musk’s leadership and vision for Tesla have been pivotal in driving the company’s success in the electric vehicle market.

Fixed Assets

Determining the physical assets necessary for operation, such as land, buildings, and machinery, is essential. The nature of these assets will vary based on the business type and model.

Example: A manufacturing startup, such as a small-scale craft brewery, requires specialized equipment and facilities to produce its products.


A reliable supply chain is vital for the smooth operation of a business. Entrepreneurs must identify and establish relationships with suppliers for raw materials, inventory, and other necessities.

Example: Zara’s fast fashion model relies on a sophisticated supply chain that enables rapid production and turnover of new styles, working closely with suppliers to ensure efficiency.


Understanding the target market and customer needs is crucial for product development, pricing, and marketing strategies. Entrepreneurs must identify their ideal customers and how to reach them.

Example: Netflix’s success is partly due to its deep understanding of consumer preferences for on-demand, streaming content, allowing it to tailor its offerings and marketing strategies accordingly.


Developing an effective marketing strategy is essential to build brand awareness, attract customers, and compete in the market. This includes decisions on advertising, promotions, and digital presence.

Example: Dropbox used a referral program to market its cloud storage service, offering additional free storage space for both the referrer and the new user, significantly increasing its user base.

Legal Issues

Compliance with legal requirements, including patents, licenses, and regulations, is critical to avoid penalties and safeguard the business. Entrepreneurs must ensure they have all necessary documentation and protections in place.

Example: Biotech startups, such as CRISPR Therapeutics, must navigate complex patent landscapes and regulatory approvals to develop and market their genetic editing technologies.


Starting a business requires a holistic approach that considers various critical factors, from the initial business idea and financing to operational, market, and legal aspects. The examples of Airbnb, Uber, Google, Tesla, Zara, Netflix, Dropbox, and CRISPR Therapeutics illustrate the diverse considerations and strategic decisions that underpin successful business ventures. For IB Business & Management students, understanding these factors is essential for evaluating business opportunities, developing comprehensive business plans, and implementing effective strategies for new ventures.


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