Biology Lessons | KS3 Biology | RevisionTown


KS3 Biology Syllabus

Topic 1 – Cells and Respiration

  • 1.1 – The Microscope: Discover the different parts of a light microscope and how to properly set it up and use it for viewing specimens.
  • 1.2 – Animal and Plant Cells: Learn about the similarities and differences between animal and plant cells, and understand their unique structures.
  • 1.3 – Unicellular Organisms: Explore the world of unicellular organisms, their characteristics, and how they differ from multicellular organisms.
  • 1.4 – Cell Organisation: Understand how cells are organized into tissues, organs, and organ systems in multicellular organisms.
  • 1.5 – Diffusion: Study the process of diffusion, how it works, and its importance in cellular functions.
  • 1.6 – Respiration: Learn about aerobic and anaerobic respiration, their processes, and their significance in energy production.

Topic 2 – Humans as Organisms

  • 2.1 – Nutrition: Discover the essential nutrients needed for a balanced diet and their sources and functions.
  • 2.2 – Nutrition and Energy: Understand how our bodies derive energy from food and the health issues related to energy imbalances.
  • 2.3 – The Digestive System: Explore the organs of the digestive system and the mechanical and chemical breakdown of food.
  • 2.4 – Absorption: Learn about the absorption of nutrients in the small intestine and the role of villi and gut bacteria.
  • 2.5 – The Skeletal System: Study the composition and functions of bones and the importance of the skeletal system.
  • 2.6 – The Muscular System: Understand how muscles cause movement and the role of antagonistic muscles.
  • 2.7 – Calculating Muscle Force: Learn how to calculate muscle force using physics principles and leverage in the human body.
  • 2.8 – Gas Exchange: Explore the structures involved in gas exchange and how the lungs are adapted for efficient gas exchange.
  • 2.9 – Breathing: Understand the mechanisms of breathing, including the bell jar model and measuring lung volumes.
  • 2.10 – Exercise, Smoking, and Asthma: Learn about the impact of exercise on lungs, the effects of smoking, and what asthma is.
  • 2.11 – Drugs: Study the effects of legal and illegal drugs on the body’s life processes and examples of common recreational drugs.

Topic 3 – Plants and Ecosystems

  • 3.1 – Plant Nutrition: Discover the process of photosynthesis and the requirements and adaptations of plants for photosynthesis.
  • 3.2 – Plant Reproduction: Learn about the parts of a flower involved in reproduction and the differences between self-pollination and cross-pollination.
  • 3.3 – Fertilisation, Seed Formation and Dispersal: Understand the process of fertilisation in plants, seed development, and various seed dispersal methods.
  • 3.4 – Investigating Seed Dispersal: Explore how to set up experiments to compare seed dispersal distances and the importance of controls.
  • 3.5 – Dependence on Other Organisms: Learn about ecosystems, interdependence among organisms, and the importance of plants in capturing light energy.
  • 3.6 – Food Chains: Study how food chains show feeding relationships and the direction of energy flow in ecosystems.
  • 3.7 – Food Webs: Understand how food webs represent interconnected food chains and the interdependency of organisms.

Topic 4 – Inheritance, Variation, and Survival

  • 4.1 – The Human Reproductive System: Discover the male and female reproductive systems and their roles in human reproduction.
  • 4.2 – The Menstrual Cycle: Learn about the phases of the menstrual cycle and its significance in preparing the body for pregnancy.
  • 4.3 – Fertilisation, Development, and Gestation: Understand the processes of fertilisation, early embryo development, and gestation.
  • 4.4 – Health, Pregnancy, and Birth: Explore the importance of health during pregnancy, supporting structures, and the process of birth.
  • 4.5 – DNA and Inheritance: Study where DNA is found, how genes determine our characteristics, and the discovery of DNA’s structure.
  • 4.6 – Variation: Learn about the causes of variation, including genetic and environmental factors, and the differences between continuous and discontinuous variation.
  • 4.7 – Natural Selection: Understand the process of natural selection, its impact on species survival, and examples like giraffe neck length.
  • 4.8 – Extinction and Preserving Species: Explore the reasons behind species extinction, the importance of preserving biodiversity, and how gene banks help save species.