GCSE (Years 10 and 11) | Free Learning Resources

Course Structure
This section explains how the MEP GCSE course is structured, and what resources are available
The MEP GCSE course consists of 19 core units and an optional 20th unit on Statistics.
The books covering these 20 units are available in printed form and online.
The course can be delivered at 4 levels: Standard, Academic, Express and Special.
There are detailed schemes of work for each of the four levels as well as an overall scheme of work.
There is teacher support material for each unit, including teaching notes, mental tests, practice book answers, lesson plans, revision tests, overhead slides and additional activities. The teacher support material is only available online.
There is also a GCSE Revision Pack, a Handling Data pack (including coursework guidance), and an optional additional unit on proof. These resources are only available online.
Links to all the resources mentioned can be found on the rest of this web page.
Overview and Schemes of Work
General Course Overview
Overall Schemes of Work for Units 1 to 19
Detailed Scheme of Work for Standard level
Detailed Scheme of Work for Academic level
Detailed Scheme of Work for Express level
Detailed Scheme of Work for Special level
GCSE Course Material (printed)
This section contains the online versions of the printed course material for the MEP GCSE course

Pupil Text Book
Units 1-6

Units 1-6 Practice Book

Units 1-6 Practice Book

Pupil Text 1-6

1. Indices [140 k]
2. Formulae [200 k]
3. Angle Geometry [340 k]
4. Trigonometry [200 k]
5. Probability [220 k]
6. Number System [240 k]

Other sections:
Acknowledgements and Contents

Practice Book 1-6 S/A

1. Indices
2. Formulae
3. Angle Geometry
4. Trigonometry
5. Probability
6. Number System

Other sections:
Facts to Remember
Miscellaneous Exercises 1 – 3
Miscellaneous Exercises 4 – 6

Practice Book 1-6 E/S

1. Indices
2. Formulae
3. Angle Geometry
4. Trigonometry
5. Probability
6. Number System

Other sections:
Facts to Remember
Miscellaneous Exercises 1 – 3
Miscellaneous Exercises 4 – 6


Pupil Text Book
Units 7-12

Units 7-12 Practice Book

Units 7-12 Practice Book

Pupil Text 7-12

7. Mensuration [320 k]
8. Data Handling [450 k]
9. Data Analysis [220 k]
10. Equations [200 k]
11. Fractions/Percentages [100 k]
12. Number Patterns [150 k]

Other sections:
Acknowledgements and Contents

Practice Book 7-12 S/A

7. Mensuration
8. Data Handling
9. Data Analysis
10. Equations
11. Fractions & Percentages
12. Number Patterns

Other sections:
Facts to Remember
Miscellaneous Exercises 7 – 9
Miscellaneous Exercises 10 – 12

Practice Book 7-12 E/S

7. Mensuration
8. Data Handling
9. Data Analysis
10. Equations
11. Fractions & Percentages
12. Number Patterns

Other sections:
Facts to Remember
Miscellaneous Exercises 7 – 9
Miscellaneous Exercises 10 – 12


Pupil Text Book
Units 13-19

Units 13-16 Practice Book

Units 13-19 Practice Book

Pupil Text 13-19

13. Graphs [400 k]
14. Loci/Transformations [270 k]
15. Variation [120 k]
16. Inequalities [110 k]
17. Using Graphs [110 k]
18. 3-D Geometry [50 k]
19. Vectors [100 k]

Other sections:
Acknowledgements and Contents

Practice Book 13-16 S/A

13. Graphs
14. Loci &Transformations
15. Variation
16. Inequalities

Other sections:
Facts to Remember
Miscellaneous Exercises 13 – 16

Practice Book 13-19 E/S

13. Graphs
14. Loci & Transformations
15. Variation
16. Inequalities
17. Using Graphs
18. 3-D Geometry
19. Vectors

Other sections:
Facts to Remember
Miscellaneous Exercises 13 – 19



Optional Unit 20

Pupil Text 20
Complete Pupil Text [746k]
Answers P
GCSE Teacher Support Material (online)
This section contains the teacher support material for the MEP GCSE course (only available online)
Any files which are marked with a red letter P require a password. Click here to find out more.

Unit 1

Teaching Notes
Mental Tests
Practice Book Answers P
Lesson Plans
Activities 1
Revision Tests P
Overhead Slides
Activities 2 P

Unit 2

Teaching Notes
Mental Tests
Practice Book Answers P
Lesson Plans
Activities 1
Revision Tests P
Overhead Slides
Activities 2 P

Unit 3
(Angle Geometry)

Teaching Notes
Mental Tests
Practice Book Answers P
Lesson Plans
Activities 1
Revision Tests P
Overhead Slides
Activities 2 P
Answers to Miscellaneous Exercises 1 to 3
Standard / Academic P
Express / Special P

Unit 4

Teaching Notes
Practice Book Answers P
Lesson Plans
Activities 1
Revision Tests P
Overhead Slides
Activities 2 P

Unit 5

Teaching Notes
Mental Tests
Practice Book Answers P
Lesson Plans
Activities 1
Revision Tests P
Overhead Slides
Activities 2 P

Unit 6
(Number System)

Teaching Notes
Mental Tests
Practice Book Answers P
Lesson Plans
Activities 1
Revision Tests P
Overhead Slides
Activities 2 P
Answers to Miscellaneous Exercises 4 to 6
Standard / Academic P
Express / Special P

Unit 7

Teaching Notes
Mental Tests
Practice Book Answers P
Lesson Plans
Activities 1
Revision Tests P
Overhead Slides
Activities 2 P

Unit 8
(Data Handling)

Teaching Notes
Practice Book Answers P
Lesson Plans
Activities 1
Revision Tests P
Overhead Slides
Activities 2 P

Unit 9
(Data Analysis)

Teaching Notes
Mental Tests
Practice Book Answers P
Lesson Plans
Activities 1
Revision Tests P
Overhead Slides
Activities 2 P
Answers to Miscellaneous Exercises 7 to 9
Standard / Academic P
Express / Special P
Y10 End of year tests
Units 1 – 7 Standard Paper 1 P
Units 1 – 7 Standard Paper 2 P
Units 1 – 7 Academic Paper 1 P
Units 1 – 7 Academic Paper 2 P
Units 1 – 9 Express Paper 1 P
Units 1 – 9 Express Paper 2 P

Unit 10

Teaching Notes
Mental Tests
Practice Book Answers P
Lesson Plans
Activities 1
Revision Tests P
Overhead Slides
Activities 2 P

Unit 11
(Fractions & Percentages)

Teaching Notes
Mental Tests
Practice Book Answers P
Lesson Plans
Activities 1
Revision Tests P
Overhead Slides
Activities 2 P

Unit 12
(Number Patterns)

Teaching Notes
Mental Tests
Practice Book Answers P
Lesson Plans
Activities 1
Revision Tests P
Overhead Slides
Activities 2 P
Answers to Miscellaneous Exercises 10 to 12
Standard / Academic P
Express / Special P
Additional Pupil Text Material for Unit 10 (added January 2004)
Additional exercises: For section 10.7 (Expanding Brackets)
New section 10.12A: Algebraic solution of linear/quadratic simultaneous equations
New section 10.12B: Finding the intersection of circle and straight line algebraically

Unit 13

Teaching Notes
Mental Tests
Practice Book Answers P
Lesson Plans
Activities 1
Revision Tests P
Overhead Slides
Activities 2 P

Unit 14
(Loci & Transformations)

Teaching Notes
Mental Tests
Practice Book Answers P
Lesson Plans
Activities 1
Revision Tests P
Overhead Slides
Activities 2 P

Unit 15

Teaching Notes
Mental Tests
Practice Book Answers P
Lesson Plans
Activities 1
Revision Tests P
Overhead Slides
Activities 2 P

Unit 16

Teaching Notes
Mental Tests
Practice Book Answers P
Lesson Plans
Activities 1
Revision Tests P
Overhead Slides
Activities 2 P
Answers to Miscellaneous Exercises 13 to 16
Standard / Academic P
Additional Pupil Text Material for Units 13 and 14 (added January 2004)
New section 13.2B: Three-dimensional coordinates
New section: 13.2C Mid-points of line segments
New section: 13.2D Lengths of line segments
New section: 13.5A Gradients of parallel line segments
New section: 13.5B Gradients of perpendicular lines
New section: 13.8A Equations of parallel lines
New section: 13.8B Equations of perpendicular lines
New section: 13.11A Graphical solution of linear/quadratic simultaneous equations
New section: 13.11B Circles and their equations
New section: 13.11C Finding the intersection of circle and straight line graphically
New section 14.5A: Straight edge and compasses constructions

Unit 17
(Using Graphs)

Teaching Notes
Mental Tests
Practice Book Answers P
Lesson Plans
Activities 1
Revision Tests P
Overhead Slides
Activities 2 P

Unit 18
(3-D Geometry)

Teaching Notes
Practice Book Answers P
Lesson Plans
Activities 1
Revision Tests P
Overhead Slides
Activities 2 P

Unit 19

Teaching Notes
Practice Book Answers P
Lesson Plans
Activities 1
Revision Tests P
Overhead Slides
Activities 2 P
Answers to Miscellaneous Exercises 13 to 19
Express / Special P
Sample GCSE Examination Papers
Foundation Paper 1 P
Foundation Paper 2 = Intermediate Paper 1 P
Higher Paper 1 = Intermediate Paper 2 P
Higher Paper 2 P

Additional Unit 20

Support Material
Teacher Support Notes
OHP Transparency Masters
Tests up to Grade C
Revision Test 20.1
Revision Test 20.2
Revision Test 20.3

Tests up to Grade A*
Revision Test 20.4
Revision Test 20.5
Revision Test 20.6

Mark Schemes
Mark Scheme 20.1
Mark Scheme 20.2
Mark Scheme 20.3
Mark Scheme 20.4
Mark Scheme 20.5
Mark Scheme 20.6

Handling Data Pack (online only)

An Adobe Acrobat Reader is essential to access these resources.

Pupil Text
Front cover and Contents [17 k]
Foreword and Introduction [9 k]
Chapter 1 [244 k]
Chapter 2 [444 k]
Chapter 3 [303 k]
Answers [156 k]
Appendix [8 k]


Specimen Task 1 [50 k]
Specimen Task 2 [28 k]
Specimen Task 3 [44 k]
Specimen Task 4 [98 k]
Student Checklists [11 k]
2003 GCSE Tiers [21 k]

GCSE Revision Pack


These resources, which have been developed as part of the Mathematics Enhancement Program and
principally funded by the Gatsby Charitable Foundation, can only be accessed by Acrobat Reader 3.0
If you do not have that, first find out what it is by looking at Read about Acrobat and then getting it (It is free!)

General Guide to the Material

MEP Quick Checks
Foundation LevelIntermediate LevelHigher Level
Example Papers + Answers & Mark Schemes
Foundation Paper 1Foundation Paper 2
Intermediate Paper 1
Intermediate Paper 2
Higher Paper 1
Higher Paper 2