AP PrecalculusUnit 1A - Polynomial and Rational Functions

1.5B Even and Odd Polynomials

Polynomials can be classified as even, odd, or neither, based on their symmetry properties.
1.5B Even and Odd Polynomials
Even and Odd Polynomials

Even and Odd Polynomials

Polynomials can be classified as even, odd, or neither, based on their symmetry properties. Even polynomials are symmetric about the y-axis, meaning their graph remains unchanged if x is replaced with -x. Mathematically, a polynomial f(x) is even if f(x) = f(-x) for all x. Odd polynomials exhibit point symmetry about the origin, meaning their graph rotates 180 degrees about the origin without changing. This occurs if f(-x) = -f(x) for all x.


  1. Even Polynomial: f(x) = x^2. This quadratic function is symmetric about the y-axis.
  2. Odd Polynomial: f(x) = x^3. This cubic function shows point symmetry about the origin.
  3. Even Polynomial: f(x) = x^4 + x^2. Contains only even powers of x, showing y-axis symmetry.
  4. Odd Polynomial: f(x) = x^5 - x^3. Composed of odd powers of x, exhibiting origin symmetry.
  5. Even Polynomial: f(x) = 4x^4 - 2x^2 + 1. Remains unchanged if x is replaced by -x.
  6. Odd Polynomial: f(x) = -3x^5 + 2x. Changes sign but not absolute value when x is replaced by -x.
  7. Even Polynomial: f(x) = 1 + cos(x)^2. Though not a polynomial by strict definition, it illustrates even function behavior with cosines.
  8. Odd Polynomial: f(x) = sin(x) * x. Also, not a strict polynomial but shows how multiplying an odd function (sin(x)) by x gives an odd function.
  9. Neither Even nor Odd: f(x) = x^3 + x^2. This polynomial does not exhibit symmetry around the y-axis or origin.
  10. Neither Even nor Odd: f(x) = x^4 + x. Similarly, lacks the symmetry to be classified as even or odd.


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AP Learning Objectives: 
1.5.B  Determine if a polynomial is even or odd.


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