The Limit of a Function and One Sided Limits

Essentially, for us to say the limit, L, of some function, f, actually exists as x approaches some value, say c, then we must have it that both the one sided limits must be present and equal the same value, L, otherwise we say the the limit of f as x approaches...
The Limit of a Function and One Sided Limits

Definition of Limit

The Statement

lim xc f(x)=L

means  f  approaches the limit  L  as  x  approaches  c.

Which is read  “the limit of  f(x), as  x  approaches  c, equals L.”


Basic Limits

1. If  f  is the constant function f(x) = k, then for any value of c,

lim xc f(x)= lim xc k=k

2. If  f  is the polynomial function  f(x) = xn, then for any value of c,

lim xc f(x)= lim xc x n = c n

Finding Limits Graphically

Consider the graph of the function

f(x)= x 3 +1 x+1

The given function is defined for all real numbers x except x = −1. The graph of f is a parabola with the point (−1, 3) removed as shown below. Even though f(−1) is not defined, we can make the value of f(x) as close to 3 as we want by choosing an x close enough to −1.

The limit of a function and one sided limits

Although  f(x)  is not defined when  x=−1, the limit of  f(x)  as x approaches  −1 is 3, because the definition of a limit says that we consider values of x that are close to c, but not equal to c.

One Sided Limits

The right-hand Limit means that x approaches c from values greater than c.

This limit is denoted as

lim x c + f(x)=L

The left-hand limit means that x approaches c from values less than c.

This limit is denoted as

lim x c f(x)=L

The Existence of a Limit

The limit of f(x) as x approaches c is L if and only if

lim x c + f(x)=L


lim x c f(x)=L

Limits That Fail to Exits

Some limits that fail to exits are illustrated below.

limits and continuity
The left limit and the right limit is different.

lim x0 x x =1,ifx>0and lim x0 x x =1,ifx<0

limits and continuity

As x approaches 0 from  from the right or the left,  f(x)  increases or decreases without bound.

limits and continuity

The values of  f(x)  oscillate between −1 and 1 infinitely often as  x  approaches 0.

Example 1. Find the limit.

(a) lim x2 (7) (b) lim x1 ( x 3 2x) (c) lim x0 sinx x


(a) lim x2 (7)=7 because lim xc k=k (b) lim x1 ( x 3 2x) = (1) 3 2(1)=1 because lim xc x n = c n

(c) The function f(x)  is not defined when x = 0. Find the Limit Graphically.

Graphy= sinx x

using a graphing calculator. The limit of f(x) = (sin x)/x as x approaches 0 is 1.

limits and continuity

Example 2. The Graph of the function  f  is shown in the figure below. Find the limit or value of the function at a given point.

(a) lim x 3 f(x) (b) lim x 3 + f(x) (c) lim x3 f(x) (d) lim x6 f(x) (e)f(3) (f)f(6)
limits and continuity


(a) lim x 3 f(x)=0 (b) lim x 3 + f(x)=3 (c) lim x3 f(x) doesnotexistssince lim x 3 f(x) lim x 3 + f(x) (d) lim x6 f(x)=3, because lim x 6 f(x)=3= lim x 6 + f(x) (e)f(3)=0 (f)f(6)=1


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