Business & ManagementIB

Job production

Job production....Production of a single product at a time....Used for small orders....
Job Production
  • Production of a single product at a time.
  • Used for small orders (“One-offs”).
  • Small number of units produced.
  • Highly skilled workforce.
  • Appropriate for start-ups.
  • Labour intensive.


  • The organisation of this production method is simple.
  • The workforce is motivated.
  • Firms produce original and unique products according to the wishes of the customer.


  • High labour costs.
  • Lead times can be lengthy.
  • May become costly once the demand for the good rises.


  • Definition of job production as a manufacturing process where items are produced on an individual basis.
  • Overview of its applicability to customized products and services.

Conceptual Framework of Job Production

  • Detailed description of job production, emphasizing its customization, flexibility, and suitability for specialized products.
  • Contrast with batch and mass production methods to highlight its unique features.

Characteristics of Job Production

  • Customization: Tailoring products or services to individual customer specifications.
  • High Quality: Emphasis on craftsmanship and attention to detail.
  • Flexibility: Ability to adapt to specific project requirements.
  • Lower Volume: Production typically involves smaller quantities compared to mass production.

Advantages of Job Production

  • Customized Solutions: Ability to meet specific customer needs.
  • Flexibility in Production: Adaptability to changes in design and specifications.
  • High-Quality Outputs: Products or services are often of superior quality due to individual attention.
  • Innovation and Creativity: Encourages innovation in design and production methods.

Challenges and Limitations

  • Higher Costs: Increased costs due to labor intensity and customization.
  • Time-Consuming: Longer production times compared to standardized production methods.
  • Resource Intensity: Requires highly skilled labor and sometimes specialized equipment.
  • Scalability Issues: Difficult to scale up production without compromising the custom nature.

Industry-Level Example: Custom Furniture Manufacturing

  • Description of the custom furniture industry as a prime example of job production.
  • Process: From design consultation to material selection, crafting, and finishing.
  • Challenges: Managing customer expectations, costs, and production timelines.
  • Benefits: Unique products, customer satisfaction, and the ability to command higher prices.

Technological Integration in Job Production

  • The role of technology in enhancing efficiency and precision in job production.
  • Examples include CNC (Computer Numerical Control) machining, 3D printing, and CAD (Computer-Aided Design) software.
  • Impact on reducing production times and costs while maintaining customization.

Sustainability Considerations

  • Discussion on sustainability in job production, including material sourcing, waste reduction, and energy efficiency.
  • Examples of sustainable practices in job production industries.

Future Trends and Perspectives

  • The evolving landscape of job production in the era of digitalization and automation.
  • Potential for increased integration of AI (Artificial Intelligence) and IoT (Internet of Things) to streamline processes.
  • Discussion on the balance between maintaining customization and adopting efficient production technologies.

Case Study: Bespoke Tailoring

  • An in-depth case study of the bespoke tailoring industry, highlighting the process from client consultation to the final product.
  • Examination of the skills required, customer interaction, and the value of craftsmanship.
  • Analysis of market demand for bespoke tailoring and its positioning in the modern fashion industry.


  • Recapitulation of the significance of job production in catering to niche markets and individual customer needs.
  • Reflection on the challenges faced by job production in scaling and cost management.
  • Prospects for the future of job production, emphasizing the balance between traditional craftsmanship and technological advancements.

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