Business & ManagementIB

Functions of a business

Functions of a business....Human resources....Manages personnel of the organisation....
Functions of a business

Human resources

  • Manages personnel of the organisation.
  • Deals with: workforce planning, recruitment, training, appraisal, dismissals and redundancies, and outsourcing human resource strategies.

Finance and accounts

  • Manages the organisation’s money.
  • Deals with: reporting and recording financial records, abiding by legal requirements (e.g., tax), produces final accounts.


  • Identifies and satisfies the needs and wants of customers.
  • In charge of ensuring that a firm’s products sell.
  • Deals with: market research, test marketing, advertising and branding.

Operations (management)

  • Converts raw materials and components into finished goods.
  • For a service this can be the process of giving that service.

The functions of a business encompass various departments or areas that work synergistically to achieve the organization’s objectives. These functions—Human Resources, Finance and Accounts, Marketing, and Operations Management—form the backbone of any business, each playing a crucial role in its success. Understanding how these functions operate and their significance is vital for IB Business & Management students, as it offers a holistic view of business operations. This comprehensive analysis explores each function in detail, utilizing industry examples to illustrate their practical application and importance.

Human Resources (HR)

Definition: The Human Resources function focuses on managing the organization’s workforce. It is responsible for recruitment, training, performance management, employee relations, and ensuring compliance with employment laws.

Industry Example: Google exemplifies excellence in HR management. Known for its innovative HR practices, Google places a strong emphasis on employee satisfaction, development, and retention. The company’s approach includes offering competitive salaries, extensive employee benefits, opportunities for personal and professional growth, and a positive work environment. This has not only made Google one of the most desirable places to work but has also contributed significantly to its high levels of innovation and productivity.

Finance and Accounts

Definition: This function manages the company’s financial health, including budgeting, accounting, financial reporting, and investment management. It ensures the organization has the financial resources needed to meet its objectives and is responsible for tracking revenue, expenses, and profitability.

Industry Example: Apple Inc. stands out for its financial management strategy. With a robust finance and accounts function, Apple efficiently manages its vast financial resources, including revenue generation, expense management, and investments in R&D and global expansion. This financial prudence has enabled Apple to maintain its status as one of the most valuable companies in the world, with significant cash reserves to weather economic fluctuations and invest in new opportunities.


Definition: Marketing involves identifying customer needs and developing strategies to satisfy those needs through the right product, price, place, and promotion. It aims to build brand awareness, attract new customers, and retain existing ones.

Industry Example: Coca-Cola is renowned for its marketing prowess. Through effective marketing strategies that include memorable advertising campaigns, global sponsorships, and social media engagement, Coca-Cola has maintained its brand’s strength and consumer loyalty for over a century. Its ability to connect with consumers across different cultures and demographics worldwide is a testament to the power of strategic marketing.

Operations (Management)

Definition: Operations Management deals with the design, control, and improvement of the processes that produce the company’s goods or services. It focuses on ensuring operational efficiency, quality production, and timely delivery to meet customer demand.

Industry Example: Amazon is a prime example of operational excellence. Amazon’s operations management, particularly in its logistics and supply chain, is unmatched. Through innovations such as its highly automated fulfillment centers, sophisticated logistics networks, and Prime delivery service, Amazon has set new industry standards for efficiency and customer satisfaction. Its operational capabilities are a critical factor in its success as the world’s largest online retailer.


The functions of Human Resources, Finance and Accounts, Marketing, and Operations Management are integral to a business’s success. Each function plays a distinct role, from managing and developing the workforce, ensuring financial health, strategically marketing products or services, to efficiently producing and delivering them. The examples of Google, Apple, Coca-Cola, and Amazon illustrate how leading companies excel in these functions, contributing to their overall success and competitive advantage. For IB Business & Management students, a deep understanding of these business functions is crucial for analyzing companies’ strategies and operations within the broader context of the global business environment.


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