Business & ManagementIB

Cellular manufacturing

Cellular manufacturing... A set of tasks are prescribed to one group of people (cells) and they are responsible for one part of the production...
Cellular manufacturing
  • A set of tasks are prescribed to one group of people (cells) and they are responsible for one part of the production process.
  • Complete units of work are then passed on to another group of people in the production process.


  • Allowsforsocialconnectionwithin groups and helps to motivate employees.
  • People have some degree of job rotation, which multi skills employees.
  • Absenteeism is not as big of a problem since the other group members are multi skilled and can complete their job too.


  • Completing the same job can be boring.
  • You aren’t able to see the finished item, which may affect motivation.
  • Teams are reliant on other groups to make sure final production targets are met.

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