Cambridge IGCSE International Mathematics (0607)

Syllabus overview

Cambridge IGCSE International Mathematics encourages learners to develop their mathematical ability as a key life skill, and as a strong basis for further study of mathematics or to support skills in other subjects.

The syllabus:

  • develops learners’ competency, confidence, and fluency in their use of techniques with and without the use of a graphic display calculator, cultivating mathematical understanding
  • develops learners’ feel for quantity, patterns, and relationships, encouraging learners’ reasoning and analytical skills
  • places a strong emphasis on solving problems in mathematics and real-life contexts
  • promotes appropriate presentation and interpretation of results, encouraging learners’ understanding of how to communicate and reason mathematically
  • develops learners’ skills in mathematical investigations and/or modelling, building conceptual understanding as well as ability to apply techniques and use approaches
  • is tiered to allow candidates of all abilities to achieve and progress in their mathematical studies.


The syllabus year refers to the year in which the examination will be taken.

Past papers

Examiner reports

Specimen papers